Page 86 of Playing for Love
“We did expend a bunch of energy last night,” he said with a smile, his grin widening when Cassie met him with a smile of her own.
“We did. But I have to get up. I’m going to girly-fy that girl of yours if it’s the last thing I do.”
Jamal grabbed her and pulled her on top of him until they were eye to eye. “Honey, you should just give up that mission right now. You’re not de-tomboying my girl no matter how hard you try. That’s ingrained in her.”
“Well, I’m going to prove you wrong. I betcha that I can get her at least, um,fiveoutfits that are girly before the day’s end.”
He let out a laugh. “Your time would be much better spent with me. In bed. All. Day. Long.” Jamal grabbed the back of her head and pulled it down to his, planting a kiss on her lips. She let out a small sigh and he deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth with his tongue. She moaned quietly into his mouth, rubbing her hands down his chest until he was the one groaning. “Was last night good for you?”
She looked at him, a sweet smile on her face. “Yes, it was.”
“I didn’t hurt you?”
She shook her head. “Not at all. In fact, I would be ok with doing it again. And again. And again. I love feeling you, your skin on my skin, your lips all over me. It was better than I could’ve ever dreamed. I love you, Jamal.”
Jamal smiled as she leaned in, placing her hands on either side of her face and kissing him again. He ran his hands down both of his arms down to her sides, her waist and around to her bottom, cupping it in both his hands. He could touch her skin all day. “I changed my mind, baby. I can’t choose if I’m going to be a breast man or a butt man. Can I just be both?”
“I’ll think about it,” she said, moving her kisses to from his face to his jaw and down his neck, planting soft kisses on his chest. He groaned. “You’re going to be the death of me, Bambi. It is settled. You. Me. In bed all day.”
Cassie looked up at him and grinned. “Don’t you have practice today? And you have to be on the road tomorrow, right?”
Jamal rubbed a hand over his face and let out a sigh. “I’d rather stay in bed with you.”
“Well, that won’t make you the big bucks, honey,” she said, patting his cheek.
“Say that again,” he replied.
“That won’t make you the big bucks.”
“Not that part. The other part.”
Cassie looked at him, a puzzled look on her face. “That is the other part I said.”
“Nope. You called me honey. And I liked it.”
Cassie smiled. “I liked it, too. Honey,” she winked.
“Are you sure you can’t stay in bed with me? I don’t go to practice for an hour or so. We can have a lot of fun in an hour,” he said, pulling her back against his chest.
“No can do. I’m a woman on a mission. Your daughterwilllook a girl by the end of the day.”
“Don’t hold your breath on that one, beautiful. You don’t know stubborn until you go shopping with my girl.”
“Caaaaassssie! Do we have to go intoanotherstore?!”
Cassie rolled her eyes and tried not to sigh. JJ was the equivalent of a grown man shopping and complaining, only her inner male was stuck inside an adorable, eight year old little girl’s body. “We’ve only gone intotwostores, JJ! And you said everything was dumb and too girly!”
“That’s because they were allpinkandpurpleandruffly!I amnota ruffly girl!” JJ pulled her Kyle Kelly jersey away from her body, pointed to her Under Armour shorts and Converse sneakers. “I wear comfortable clothes! You never know when you might have to go play catch!”
“Now you know how I feel, kid,” Callie whispered behind her hand. “She always tries to get me to dress all fancy.” Callie pointed to her shorts and t-shirt that looked almost identical to what JJ was wearing, even down to the Converse sneakers. “I think webothlook fine!”
Cassie sighed and stomped her foot. “You guys listen up.” She pointed at JJ and Callie and glared. “You are two beautiful, smart, awesomegirlsand we are going to get youclothesthat can’t pass for unisex outfits!”
“What’s unisex mean?” JJ asked. “It sounds weird.”
“It means clothes that can be for either a boy or a girl. She’s saying we dress like boys,” Callie said. “Are we gonna take it?”