Page 94 of Playing for Love
“My teaching friend,” she replied. “The one with the legs.”
“I remember those legs,” he said. Cassie kicked him in the leg with the foot she wasn’t rubbing, coming very close to hitting the parts that made him a man. Parts he was not interested in rendering unworkable, especially when he planned on using that part tonight. JJ had spent the night with Callie and Kyle so she could go Christmas shopping the next day. “Watch where you’re kicking, Bambi. I have plans tonight for that certain part of my anatomy. And you’re included.”
Cassie’s leg froze in place. “Well, don’t be looking at my friend’s legs,” she grumped.
“Why, Bambi, are you jealous?” he asked, running his hand up her calve to her thigh, where he began rubbing circles on the inside of her thigh.
Cassie took a deep breath. “No,” she whispered.
“Really? Because that seemed like a jealous comment,” he said as he continued to inch his way up her leg.
“Ok, maybe I’m alittlejealous,” she said. “But if you keep doing that I’m going to totally forget about the favor and I really need it.”
Jamal grinned. “What is it, Bambi? I’ll give you anything you ask for.”
“Do you know of anyone who might be willing to go out with Natasha? Her husband was killed in in Afghanistan and she hasn’t dated for three years. I told her I could find her a date.”
Jamal mentally shook his head. “What makes you think I could get her a date?”
“Because you’re an NBA player and you have a lot of hot teammates.”
Now it was time for Jamal’s jealousy to rear its ugly head. “Who do you think is hot?” he frowned.
Cassie smiled. “Now who’s jealous?”
Jamal rolled his eyes. “I might be able to think of someone. Just tell me which one you think is hot and I’ll make sure not to get that one.”
Cassie laughed and Jamal’s heart soared. That was a sound he could get used to hearing for the rest of his life. “I can work with that. Although I don’t any of their names.”
“What?!” Aria looked at Cassie like a deer in headlights. The two were perched on Cassie’s bed, Cassie with a book in hand that she had been reading before Aria plopped down and Cassie proceeded to tell her about the plans for the double date. “You are hookingNatashaup with a date and not me? What kind of friend are you?”
“I’m sorry!” Cassie said, throwing her hands up in the air. “I didn’t think! I just said it to get Natasha’s confidence back up. She hasn’t been on a date since her husband died. That was three years ago. I just wanted to get her to live a little bit before she turns into the crazy cat lady. But then Jamal started rubbing my feet and I got distracted.”
“I bet he was rubbing somethingotherthan your feet,” Aria muttered.
“Not right then,” Cassie grinned.
“I can’t believe my virgin roomie is getting laid more than I am.”
“Aria,” Cassie said with a smile. “I’m not a virgin anymore.”
Aria rolled her eyes but followed it with a laugh. “True story. So, are you gonna hook me up with someone, too? We can all go out together, like to Top Golf. That would be way fun.”
Cassie looked at her blankly. “What’s Top Golf?”
“Seriously?” Aria said. “You have got to live a little girl. It’s a tiered golf hitting place. Like onFools Rush In.You get to stand there and hit a bunch of golf balls out into this big field. It’s super fun.”
“Why do all my dates center aroundsports?” Cassie moaned. “I suck at sports.”
“All you have to do is hit a little ball,” Aria told her. “It’s not even moving or anything. Simple.”
“That’s what they all say.” It was Cassie’s turn to mutter. “Catch a ball in a glove, Cass. Shoot this ball into the goal, Cass. I can’t doanyof it. I’m gonna look like such an idiot!”
“Hey, it’s all for the good of your friends who need to get laid in the worst possible way,” Aria grinned. “What’s a little humiliation in that?”
Cassie looked at her friend. “How are you so sure it’s going to end in you getting laid?”