Page 96 of Playing for Love
“I don’t know who that-” Cassie began, but was interrupted when Jamal jumped up and pushed Kamrin away from Cassie.
“It’s good, but notamazing,” he said with a frown. “Now quit touching my girl.”
Kamrin held up his hands. “Hey, man. No harm. Just trying to educate the lady. Besides, I got a pretty little thing right here that I’d like to get to know better.” Kamrin’s southern drawl became more pronounced the more he spoke. He sat down beside Natasha and gave her a dimpled grin. “So, darlin’, you wanna get to know me better?”
Natasha smiled at him shyly. “I like you so far,” she said.
“Well, then. That’s a start.” Kamrin held out his hand to Natasha. “Ready to hit one?”
Natasha took his hand and he pulled her to her feet. “Do you know how to hit a golf ball?”
Natasha took the golf club Kamrin handed her and walked up to the ledge. “I used to play a lot,” she said. “Not lately, but I hear it’s like riding a bike.”
Kamrin bowed Natasha’s way. “By all means, little lady,” he said. “Just don’t show me up.”
Natasha swung the golf club toward the ball while the rest of their party watched as it sailed in the air. “Where did it go?” she asked, shading her eyes from the sun. Even though there were only eight more days until Christmas, it was a normal, unpredictable weather day for Oklahoma. Seventy degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Even with the mild temperature currently, the weathermen were already predicting lots of snow for Christmas day.
“It’s right down the middle,” Aria said, pointing to where the ball hit and bounced on the ground.
Natasha peered over the edge, using her hands to shield her eyes from the sun. “I see it!” she said. “Good thing I picked a pink ball.”
“Good shot, darlin’,” Kamrin said, high fiving her before pulling Natasha in for a hug. “See? Like you said. Just like riding a bike.”
“Who’s next?” Natasha asked, holding the club out for the next person.
Jamal nudged Cassie. “You ready to do this?”
Cassie shook her head. “I’m so gonna suck at this and embarrass myself.”
Jamal gave her a hug. “I’ll help you. How’s that?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not getting out of this until I hit one, am I?”
“Nope!” Aria yelled, pointing Cassie’s direction. “So go hit the damn ball already!”
Cassie shot a glare at her friend before reluctantly getting to her feet. “You promise you’ll help me?”
“Absolutely. Once you feel like you’ve gotten the hang of it, you can then hit one on your own.”
Cassie let out a sigh. “Fine,” she huffed. “Give me the stupid stick thingy.”
“First lesson,” Jamal said, “It’s called a club. And you have to hold it a certain way or you won’t be able to hit the ball.”
Cassie turned toward Aria. “See! I told you that just because it’s on the ground doesn’t mean I will be able to hit it!”
Aria rolled her eyes. “Just listen to your man,” she said, pulling two suckers out of her pocket and handing one to Trevin. “Want one?”
“She must really like him if she’s sharing her suckers,” Jamal whispered. “JJ has told me how she is with those things.”
Cassie laughed before taking a deep breath. “Ok. It’s now or never.”
Jamal walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her and showed her how to place her hands. “Now, you swing it back gently, twist your hips and bring the club back down.”
Cassie’s ball sailed toward the ground in a perfect arc. “Wow!” she exclaimed. “That was pretty easy!”
Jamal grinned. “Yep. But let’s do a couple more. I don’t know if you have the hang of things yet.”
Cassie smiled. “I think you might just want to help me some more,” she said.