Page 53 of Tangled Memories
Liane giggled.
Tyler brushed Stormy’s ear with his lips. “Among other things, you look good enough to eat.” He got a whiff of her fragrance. It was erotic, heady, the kind of scent that caused a testosterone storm in a man.
He pulled back. Lunch, he reminded himself. But first, there was some business to take care of. He hustled Stormy and Liane into the car.
When he drove past the restaurant he’d mentioned, Stormy glanced back, puzzled. “I thought that’s where—”
“It is,” he said. “We have a reservation for one o’clock.”
Stormy stiffened. “You’ve planned a trick of some sort, haven’t you?”
“Not a trick, no. Trust me, okay? I just want to prove a point—one that I think has been overlooked. It has to do with the money. Can we leave it at that for the moment?”
Stormy sat up straighter in the seat. “You found it?”
“It’s better if you don’t ask any questions.”
“You mean just go blindly into my fate?” Stormy searched the door as if she could exit while it was still moving. “I don’t like this, Tyler. I’m getting nervous. If you’ve found the money, I don’t want to be anywhere near it. That would make it seem as if I knew where it was all along.”
“I’m trying to do this without putting you into any jeopardy.”
“Can you guarantee that?”
Tyler glanced at her, meeting her rather chilly brown gaze. “How are things at home?”
“We’ve called a truce. You’re trying to change the subject.”
“Atruce? Now, why didn’t I think of doing that?”
“Because you’re so arrogant, you’re always sure you’ll win.”
He shook his head. “Remind me never to ask you another rhetorical question.”
Liane poked him in the back of the neck. “When are you gonna tell her?”
“Tell me what?” Stormy asked.
“Nothing,” Tyler said, issuing a warning frown at Liane in the rearview mirror. “Sit back and buckle your seat belt.”
Liane flung herself across the back seat. “I hate grown-ups.
Stormy cocked her head at Liane. “I’ll tolerate your being in a bad mood, but I won’t tolerate your being rude. Turn around and take us home, Tyler.”
Tyler clucked. “I didn’t take offense. Liane and I will handle our own battles, won’t we, kid?”
“I’m sorry,” Liane squeaked.
Tyler slowed and turned off the main road into the parking lot of a bank. Stormy’s breath caught in her throat. “What’s the meaning of bringing us here?”
“You’ll see.”
“Like déjà vu? No thanks.” It was just like with Hadley. Stormy drew deep breaths, closed her eyes, then opened them again.
Tyler hopped out and headed to Stormy’s side, opening the door. Liane was already out, standing on the sidewalk.
“No!” Stormy said, feeling trapped.
“Nothing bad is going to happen,” Tyler coaxed.