Page 63 of Promise of the Wolf Moon
He kissed a path to the upper swell of my other breast and slipped my nightgown down to bare my nipples. Bracing his hands on either side of me, he gazed at me, at my breasts, as though he had never seen me naked before. He swallowed hard before his eyes came to mine.
“You are so...beautiful.”
Tillman had beaten me down with how I was too fat, too emotional, too—too—too everything that was not worthy of his love or respect. Till had spent months belittling me, and, eventually, I’d given in and believed him.
He was wrong.
It was never me.
Seff shook his head, his brows bunched together as he frowned. “I never dreamed...” He looked so torn it scared me.
I reached up and sifted my hand through his thick hair. “I need you.” I pulled him toward me. His soft lips opened to my probing tongue. I teased his canines, coaxing him to give me their entire length. He moaned softly as I stroked and sucked each long, sharp fang. Then, he did the same for me, and I’d never felt anything so erotic. It was all I could do not to writhe, moan, and beg for more. I wanted his tongue all over me, over my breasts, down my spine, between my legs.
“Mark me, Des.” He groaned low and deep. “You need to understand what you do to me.”
I needed that connection to him, too. I pressed soft kisses along his jawline and down his neck to the curve of his shoulder. His skin was velvety smooth over tight muscles.
I whispered, “Relax.” Then nipped at him with my long, sharp canines.
He groaned again. “Sakana.”
His breathing changed from rapid pants to slow, deep inhales. Beneath my fingertips and lips, his muscles gave way and relaxed.
“Bite me, Des. Mark me good and deep.”
I sank my fangs into his flesh.
The first tiny drop of his blood hit my tongue like rich, thick, dark wine. The sweet coppery taste of him filled my mouth in a flood, and I swallowed. Whatever desire, passion, and hunger I’d been feeling suddenly multiplied by an outrageous factor. The tightness below my belly seemed to swell and bloom in a way I’d never felt before. Heat rushed through me, making my skin tingle with sensation while my stomach fluttered wildly.
Is this what a true bond feels like?
Seff’s entire body went rigid above me. Then, he relaxed on his forearms as I drank in my next taste of him. I couldn’t help it. I needed him inside me in every way.
I licked the mark I’d put on him and begged in a low murmur, “Need you so badly.”
“This is so not going how I’d planned.” He chuckled soft and low.
He was so far from frustrated, I wanted to laugh.
Instead, I smiled. “Life doesn’t always go how we planned.”
I kissed my way back to his mouth as his hands smoothed down my waist to my hips. Lightly squeezing, he hummed against my lips as though he wanted to say something but didn’t want to break our connection.
I couldn’t stop the sudden anxiety that flooded me. My racing heart and rapid breathing took on a new meaning that had nothing to do with desire.
The wolf inside me shook me hard. She held all my anger, all my rage, and I’d kept her locked away for so long. I hadn’t hidden her from the rogue, and I certainly didn’t need to hide her from Seff. Through our bond, he would come to know me better than anyone. But getting to know each other would take time and I needed to getmyfears out in the open.
I leaned back to look up into his eyes. “I need you to understand something about me, Seff. I’m not skinny. Sorry.” I pushed away a little more. “I don’t meansorry, I mean, it’s obvious, I’m not skinny.” He said nothing, but he didn’t let go of me either, so I went on. “If skinny females are more to your liking, you’ll need to get over it because I’m never doing that again. I have padding...padding I happen to love. Padding I need for the cold winters here.” His eyes sparkled but still he stayed silent. “Okay, yes, I’m thrilled you think my boobs are beautiful. They are beautiful. I also have big hips, thick thighs, and a nice round ass. Don’t even...” I bit back everything else. None of what I felt had anything to do with the male still holding me in his arms.
“Darlin’?” In the dim light, I saw Seff’s dilated pupils had nearly swallowed up the chocolate brown of his irises. Concern was plain on his face and in his voice.
“Don’t ask me to change who I am.” I didn’t mean my request to sound like an order, but my wolf was never one to beg.
Don’t starve me. Don’t steal my things. Don’t cut me off from everyone I love.
Don’t break your promises.