Page 29 of The D Appointment
“Do you need to go to the hospital?”
“I—I think so.”
“Fuck,” I cursed under my breath, low enough that I hoped he couldn’t hear. “Did Mom do this to you?”
“You said one question.”
He didn’t have to respond. I already knew the answer.
“Yeah…yeah, I guess I did.” I took a calming breath. “Can you look at me?”
Spencer slowly turned back to face me.
“I’m going to help you out of here, and I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.” I raised my eyebrows. “Okay?”
He nodded. “Okay.”
The doctor steppedinto the ER room my brother and I had been waiting in for the last half hour.
“Mr. Reyes, it looks like your arm is broken,” she told Spencer.
It was hard, but I maintained my cool, for my brother’s sake and for the doctor’s. I had lied and told them Spencer was my son. Since he was under eighteen, I didn’t want to risk them calling Marjorie. I was worried they wouldn’t give him the care he needed if she didn’t come to the hospital, so I had lied and was ready to sign any forms I had to in order to get a cast on his arm.
I also didn’t want to overreact in case she thought I might have been the one to break Spencer’s arm.
“Will I have to have surgery?” Spencer asked.
Panic rushed through me. “Surgery?” It was one thing to hide the truth to get a cast. It was another thing to lie in order to get an operation.
“Yeah. A kid at school broke his arm and had to have surgery.”
I whipped my head in the doctor’s direction, pleading with my eyes for her to tell us no.
“No surgery.”
“Thank fuck.” I cleared my throat. “I mean, thank God.”
The doctor smiled for a second at my swearing, but her face went back to serious. “You’re lucky. But you need to be careful. And you shouldn’t have waited to come in. If your…dadhadn’t forced you to come now, I would have probably had a different answer by the time you did come in.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I’m going to have the nurse bring in the supplies to cast your arm, and then we might have to do another X-ray to confirm that everything is where it should be.”
Spencer nodded.
“Thank you, Doctor,” I said.
She closed the door behind her, and I stared at my brother.
“You promised to tell me what happened if it was broken,” I said in a firm voice.
Spence had been avoiding telling me what had happened last night, saying it wasn’t a big deal. But I’d told him a fracture was a huge deal, so he’d agreed to give me all the details if I was right about the status of his arm.
He looked away and sighed. “Mom and I got into a fight.”