Page 40 of The D Appointment
“Thanks, but, no, I wasn’t bullied. I wasn’t popular or unpopular. I was just…there.” I shrugged again. “Which is why I don’t understand this.”
Delaney looked at her watch. “Maybe it’s because it’s something new and unfamiliar. You don’t know what to expect.”
Huh. I gave it consideration. “You know, you might be right.” I liked doing new things at work to push myself to be a better lawyer, but at the same time, it was still my regular job, which gave me comfort. No wonder I’d dated my last boyfriend for so long.
“Don’t worry too much,” Rayne said. “You have us. You won’t be up there alone, and we’ve been planning this for a month. We are going to do great.”
“Rayne’s right,” Delaney said.
I looked at the two of them. “Okay. I’m trusting you both on this.”
“As you should,” Rayne said, smiling.
“And if you end up being wrong, I’m just going to sue you.”
* * *
“Does anyone have any more questions?” Delaney asked the class.
We’d already been asked about a dozen questions, so I felt nothing but relief when no one else raised their hand.
The teacher clapped her hands. “We’re almost out of time as it is, so let’s give a big round of applause for these three, shall we?”
The class clapped, and Rayne, Delaney, and I gave our thanks and our good-byes.
Once the door to the classroom was closed, Rayne elbowed me. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
I smiled. “It was okay.”
It hadn’t been as bad as I had thought it would be. In fact, I was willing to admit that the forty-five minutes had gone faster than I’d expected, but I was still relieved to be done.
“Is it time for lunch then?” Delaney asked as we headed down the hall.
“Yes, please.” Rayne put her hand on her stomach. “Talking to high school students has me starved.”
We were almost to the front door of the school when the bell rang.
The three of us looked at each other, and someone yelled, “Run.”
Filled with laughter, we raced outside as fast as we could with high heels on our feet, and we exited the building just as the hallways began to fill with students.
“We made it.” I raised my fist in the air. “Victory.”
Now that we didn’t have to worry about being run over by kids rushing to their next class, we strolled to the guest parking area.
“Where’s lunch today?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” Delaney said. “I think it’s Rayne’s turn to pick a restaurant.”
“Hmm…” Rayne rubbed her hands together. “I’m feeling like pizza.”
Immediately, Delaney and I exchanged looks. Rayne had been eating nothing but salads since our first lunch together because she was worried about her weight. I hated to see her denying herself food for a man, but it definitely wasn’t my place to say anything. We’d only met a month ago, and we weren’t close friends.
“Pizza?” I casually said in a way that invited her to tell us more, but it wasn’t an outright question if she didn’t want to share.
“Yeah. I’m tired of trying to get my boyfriend’s attention. If he doesn’t think I’m sexy the way I am, then fuck him.”
“Good for you,” Delaney said.