Page 42 of The D Appointment
Me:You would not.
I didn’t believe he’d cry for a minute. Not over sex.
Me:I’m working late.
Dominick sent me back a crying emoji.
I went in search of a GIF of someone rolling their eyes when there was a knock on my doorframe. I sighed when I saw it was Kirk. I didn’t want to be working with his incompetent ass on this case, and he had just ruined my good mood.
I pulled my feet to the floor and sat up straight. “Yes?”
“We’re going to get takeout for dinner. Do you want in?”
“Yes, please. What restaurant?”
“The sub place.”
“Got it. Is someone going to get it, or are we having it delivered?”
If we were really busy, we often got food delivered, but sometimes, one of us needed a break and would pick up dinner.
“I’m making the run,” Kirk said. “I’m going in about forty-five minutes or so.”
“Okay. I’ll put my order in through my phone app.”
Kirk disappeared when I was struck with a thought.
“Kirk,” I yelled.
Two seconds later, he was back. “Yeah?”
“Is it okay if I go pick up the food?”
His eyebrows squished together. “Uh…sure.”
I sprang up from my chair and grabbed my purse. “I have to run a quick errand first, but I’ll be back with the food.” I looked at my watch. “Tell everyone to have their order ready in an hour,” I said as I hurried past Kirk.
“An hour?” he complained.
“Yeah. I need to do something first.”
“Are you sure? I can get it.”
I spun around and walked backward. “I said, I’ll get it.”
I did another one-eighty and unlocked my phone.
Me:Where are you right now?
D Appointment:My backyard. Why?
He was going to have to wait for the answer to that because he wasn’t the only one who was horny.
* * *
I walked around the house. Rock music blared from the backyard, and the fence door was wide open. I walked through it and slammed it closed behind me.