Page 44 of The D Appointment
My pussy clenched, and wetness flooded my core. How I was turned on again so quickly, I didn’t know. But it was proof that I needed my panties back.
I lost all traces of a smile and held out my hand. “I’m serious. I need them. And I need them now because I have to pick up food for my coworkers and get back to the firm.”
Dominick jumped up from the stairs and put his arm around my shoulders. “Okay, okay, okay. I understand. Let me walk you to your car.”
“What happened to the music?” I asked as he walked me to the front of the house.
“I turned it off.” He smiled. “My phone is in my pocket.”
“You waited until we were finished, right?”
“Oh, yeah. I didn’t need the neighbors hearing you moan like it was the second coming of Christ.”
My mouth dropped open. “I don’t moan,” I lied. “I don’t make noise, remember?”
He bopped me on the nose with a finger from his free hand. “Whatever you have to tell yourself, babe.” We reached my car, and he opened the driver’s door for me. “Your chariot awaits, milady.”
I looked him up and down in fake judgment. “You would not have fit in back then.”
He laughed. “Why? Because of my unruly curls? Because of my facial hair?” He snapped his fingers. “Or is it because I’m Cuban?”
“No, it’s because you only think about sex.”
He laughed and moved close. “Only around you, babe.”
Yeah, right. This man lived and breathed sex.
“Speaking of sex”—I had almost forgotten—“what are you doing on Saturday night? Are you free to meet up?”
I had to have dinner with my parents on Saturday. And while I loved them, they were always a lot to put up with. Especially when I was the only child of theirs around to bother. I knew I could use some good sex after seeing them.
He rubbed his beard and hissed in what sounded like regret, and I had a feeling about what he was going to say. “I can’t. I’m busy.”
I smiled. “It’s okay. I understand. It is less than a week away. I can’t expect a stud like you to be free on a Saturday night.”
He rolled his eyes, but I saw the smile threatening to break free. “You’d better get going.” He nudged me toward the open door. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“Wait.” I frowned.
I studied his face. I felt like I was missing something, but I couldn’t figure out what. “Never mind,” I said when nothing came to mind.
He kissed me, and I slid behind the wheel.
“Call me if your night ends early.”
“I will, but it won’t.” I turned the key, and when the clock turned on, I gasped. “Shit, I need to go.” I waved good-bye, slammed my door closed, and raced to the restaurant.
Thankfully, we were only getting cold sandwiches, but I still didn’t need anyone looking at me and wondering why I was so late.
I was only five minutes behind the time I had scheduled the pickup. I hurried back to my vehicle with the food and into the building as soon as my car was safely parked.
When I was almost to the conference room, I slowed my pace and put a casual smile on my face. “Food’s here,” I called out as I walked through the door.
I dumped the bags out on the counter, and everyone dived toward their food. I found my sub and an open chair.
I set my food down and turned to go back to my office to get my computer when one of my colleagues, another associate named Faren, said, “Oh my God. What happened to you?”