Page 67 of The D Appointment
“Do I have to say yes?”
She laughed again.
“I can’t believe I didn’t figure it out.”
“You should have because I know everything,” she said with a grin.
“What did I miss?”
I looked up to see Rayne pulling out a chair. Since I hadn’t told her to come, Delaney must have invited her.
“I was just waiting for Vivian over here to tell me if her boyfriend had as many tattoos under his suit as he did sticking out of it,” Delaney said with a smirk.
Rayne’s jaw dropped. “You have a boyfriend? With tattoos?”
Delaney waved a finger at her neck. “They were visible around his collar and his sleeves.” She pointed to her wrist. “Yum.”
“Vivian.” Rayne smacked my arm. “You’ve been holding out on us.”
“No, I haven’t. We’re not like that.”
Rayne frowned. “We aren’t? I mean, I’ve been telling the two of you about my boyfriend since the day we met.”
I shook my head. “No. I mean, Dominick and me. We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend.”
Delaney snorted. “Bullshit.”
“We’re not.”
She looked at Rayne. “If you saw the way this man looked at Vivian, you would know exactly what I mean.”
I thought Delaney was exaggerating, but I also wanted her to tell me exactly what she meant down to the very last detail.
She leaned toward the middle of the table. “Let’s just say, if the two of them had been alone, I have no doubt Vivian would have been on her back, naked, with that man inside her.”
“Oh my God, Delaney,” I said while Rayne covered her mouth and laughed.
“I feel like I really missed out today,” she said.
Delaney threw a hand out. “What? You think just because I’m a judge and a mom, I don’t have sex? Preston and I used to have so much sex.” She stared off into the distance. “It’s probably the reason we didn’t divorce sooner.” She looked back at us. “But I do admit, it’s been too long. I miss it.”
“Please, tell us about him,” Rayne said. “I need some good news on the romance front.”
“I thought you and your boyfriend were going on a trip together?” I asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it right now. I want to hear about this sexy guy.”
“There’s not much to tell. My coworker introduced me to him because I was looking for a little bedroom action. We were getting together whenever we felt the urge until I called it off about two months ago.”
Delaney raised her eyebrows. “Wait. You just vouched for a guy you called things off with? Do I need to rethink my decision?”
I could tell she was joking, but I still said, “No,” a little too forcefully. “I mean, whatever is or isn’t going on with us, it has nothing to do with his brother.”
“Ahh,” Rayne said.
“What?” I dared to ask.
“You care about him.”