Page 70 of The D Appointment
“In all this, where’s Marjorie’s boyfriend? Why aren’t they looking at him?”
“He took off a couple of weeks ago. You know how it goes. I’m pretty sure he’s in Reno or something now, so he probably has a solid alibi.”
“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. “Look, Spencer, I don’t want you giving up. We’re going to work on getting you out of here on bail soon.”
He sat back and crossed his arms over his chest, his mouth set in a tight line. “No.”
I frowned. “What do you mean, no? Why wouldn’t you want to get out of here?”
“You’re not spending any more money on me, Dominick. There is no way my bail is going to be cheap.”
I gritted my teeth. “Don’t worry about that.”
He stood. “I said, no. If you do this, I will never speak to you again.”
* * *
I almost didn’t go to the hospital because I was so mad at my brother.
I understood his concern. I just didn’t agree with it. I didn’t want him to spend any more time in juvie than he had to, and if that meant putting a lien on my house or something, I was willing to do it.
Then again, I was so pissed at him that I almost didn’t care if he stayed right where he was.
Kids, man.
The elevator doors opened, and I turned right to find Marjorie’s room. My plan was to tell her Spencer loved her and was thinking about her and to get the hell out of there. Then get to Vivian’s before she went to bed.
But you know what they say about plans.
When I arrived at Marjorie’s room, there were half a dozen medical staff in there.
“What’s going on?”
All of them turned at the sound of my voice.
A man in a white coat—a doctor, I’d guess—stepped forward. “And you are?”
“Dominick. Dominick Reyes. I’m Marjorie Reyes’s son.”
The doctor exchanged looks with the other staff. “Dominick, does your mother drink by chance?”
I could tell the man was trying to be tactful in his approach, but there was no need.
I scoffed. “Like a fish. Among other things. Prescription drugs and probably some illegal ones too.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why?”
“Your mother had a seizure this morning, something that seems unrelated to her injuries. We ran some tests, and her blood work is all over the place. But now that we know there’s a possible reason for the seizure, we know where to go from here,” he said with a reassuring smile.
But a seizure didn’t sound so reassuring to me. It sounded scary. A lot scarier than some burns. I didn’t want to care, but I was worried.
I dropped my hands to my sides. “What does this mean?”
“It means your mother is going through withdrawal. The good news is, she’s in a hospital, where we can properly manage it and supervise her. We will have to keep her in a coma though. She still hasn’t regained consciousness, and we’ll make sure she stays that way until she’s no longer withdrawing.”
“So, Marjorie is going to wake up from this…sober?”
“That’s right. But it won’t happen overnight.”
I nodded my head.