Page 113 of Bring Me Back
James comes into view, and his shoes squeak on the floor as he comes to a stop. The color drains from his face, and the bouquet of roses he’s holding drops to his feet. “Cory?”
Cory’s grip on me tightens. “Make a move, and she’s dead.”
I blink through my watery vision as the tears stream down my face. “It’s okay, James. It’s gonna be okay. Just listen to what he says.”
James’s eyes narrow. “Let her go. Take me instead.”
“Aww, what a good guy. So selfless.” Cory chuckles. “I think I’ll kill her first, and make you watch. Just like you made me watch my best friend die.”
“I didn’t want your friend to die.” James holds up his palm in front of him. “That wasn’t supposed to happen. I was trying to convince him to put his gun down. I even put mine down if you remember. Just like I’m going to do right now: Put your gun down. We can fix this. Damon didn’t let me try to fix it last time. But you can.”
I can feel Cory’s body shaking against mine as his voice cracks. “He didn’t need to die. You should’ve done something.”
“I tried, Cory. I tried. You saw me try. All I wanted was to get the gun out of his hands so we could work out a plan together.” James’s eyes well. “Let her go and we can figure this out together. Please, Cory. I can help you. Just let her go. She’s innocent in this.”
Cory steps back and shoves me in front of him. “Go.” Then he points his gun at James. “But you’re staying.”
James yanks my arm and pulls me behind him. “Go, Phoenix. Go now.”
“I can’t leave you,” I whisper.
“You have to. I mean it. Get out of here.”
I let out a helpless growl and run to the front door. I swing it open, set Wilbur down on the porch, and tie his leash to the railing.
I pull my phone out of my back pocket and send a frantic text to Leo:
Me: Call 911. Cory is here with a gun. No lights or sirens.
Me: James is with us.
Then I step back inside my house and slam the door shut.
Like hell I’m leaving.
Thank God she’s out of here.
I don’t care what happens from this moment forward as long as she’s safe.
“Unclip your gun,” Cory says. “Do it slowly.”
I move my hand to my holster and do as he says, placing my gun on the end table next to me. At least it’s close by.
“If you really want to help me, then give me money.” Cory sniffles. “Ten thousand.”
“What do you need the money for? So you can snort yourself into an overdose by the end of the weekend? What good is that going to do for you?”
“It’s none of your business what I do with the money. I’m the one holding the gun, so you’re gonna do whatever I say.”
He’s becoming more agitated by the minute, and if I push him too far then he’ll snap and do something impulsive. I need to keep him talking until Phoenix calls for backup, which I know is the first thing she’ll do.
“I don’t have ten thousand dollars in my back pocket, Cory. I’ll have to get it from the bank, and right now the bank is closed.”
Cory paces, keeping his gun pointed at me.
“What’s your plan? Let’s work this out together.”