Page 52 of Bring Me Back
“Ah, you know how it is with a baby and all. Have you seen the pictures on Facebook? Jenna’s getting so big already. It’s crazy how fast they grow.”
“No, I actually deleted my social media accounts. But I’d love it if you’d send me some photos of her.”
I roll a rock under my sneaker. “It’s good to hear your voice.”
“Yeah, same. I would’ve called you sooner, but it’s been crazy here.” He laughs. “Jenna does this new thing where she kicks her feet when she’s hungry. It looks like she’s auditioning forRiverdance.”
I smile. “I can’t wait to see her. When are you thinking you’ll have her baptism?”
There’s a pause of silence. “Uh, we’re going to have the baptism down here. It’s just easier than traveling with a baby.”
“Oh, of course. Well, just let me know when it is so I can put it in my calendar.”
“Uh, well… about that.” He clears his throat. “Gabby and I were talking, and we don’t want any drama at the baptism. We’re going to fly Mom out, and we feel like it’d be best if you didn’t come.”
My throat swells, and my heart wrenches. “You know I wouldn’t cause any drama. I… I just want to celebrate Jenna and see you.”
“Look, you know how Mom is. She’s incapable of being the bigger person, and Gabby and I just don’t need that kind of stress on Jenna’s big day.”
I blink back tears. “So, does that mean I’m not going to be Jenna’s godmother?”
Tyler lowers his voice. “I’m sorry, Nix. I wish things could be different. But I’m so happy to hear you’re doing well right now.”
I choke back a sob. “I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have to go. Thanks for calling.”
I end the call before Tyler can say anything else, and head back inside the shelter.
“Everything okay?” Sadie asks, eyeing me from over the top of her glasses.
“Yeah. Do you mind if I go back to see the puppies?”
“Of course not, but are you all right?”
I nod, the tears about to brim over. “Everything’s great.”
She gives me a dubious look and gestures to the door. “You know where they are.”
I fling open the door and make my way to the back of the room until I get to the tiny puppy with the heart-shaped nose.
“Hey, bud.” The tip of his tiny white tail wags furiously as I step into his cage and scoop him up. “How are you doing today? Are your brothers and sisters treating you well?”
I lower myself into the corner of the small space, and he snuggles against my chest. I close my eyes and count my breaths as I will myself to calm down.
He licks a tear as it rolls down my cheek.
“Yeah, siblings are overrated.”
“Come on, you piece of shit.”
I grunt, struggling to get my new toilet over the pipe sticking out of the floor. Now I know why the guy who delivered it looked at me funny when I said I didn’t need help installing it.
The doorbell rings, and I call out to James. “Come in.”
His boots clunk along the floor in the hall until he stops in the doorway. “What are you doing?”
I blow a strand of hair out of my face. “I’m trying to get this toilet on but it doesn’t want to go, and it’s heavy.”