Page 13 of The Sacrifice
“Mia,” I sigh. “I’m tired. I’m overwhelmed, and I have a spider between my fingers. Just get the door. I didn’t mean anything between the two of us. We both know that wouldn’t work.”
“Right.” She’s still for several seconds, and then she rushes to the door like someone shot the starting line gun, and now, she’s in full sprint mode.
Moments later, we have the spider disposed of, and the room is clear. I hold the baby as she turns on the water and explains step-by-step how to wash her in the sink and what type of tub to purchase to make it easier.
She answers my questions until I’m semi-confident I won’t screw it up. As she helps me take Hadley’s clothes off, she watches us like we know what we’re doing. Well, at least Mia does.
I hold my breath with the baby suspended over the sink. She’s adorable. Pinkish. A little too thin. At least, I think so.Man, don’t screw this up.“You’re sure it isn’t too hot?”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Is it too cold?”
She sighs loudly, “Jackson, it’s fine.”
“Okay.” I test the water with my free hand, letting the suds cover my palm. It’s lukewarm.
“Yeah, it’s fine.” I lay Hadley under the light drizzle of water and watch as Mia soaps her and scrubs at the crusty places. I’m shocked when the shit doesn’t hit the fan, but the only thing she does is make babbling sounds and kick her feet in the air. “She likes it.”
“Most babies like to take a bath. She also likes your skin. Babies need skin-to-skin contact for bonding. That’s why doctors encourage breastfeeding. I realize you aren’t equipped to do that, but you can hold her against your chest whenever you can. You might want to do that when she has on a diaper, so she doesn’t pee on you.”
“Good idea.” The curve of Mia’s face is next to my shoulder, and the scent of her perfume and the baby soap makes my head spin.
When the tip of her tongue skates across her bottom lip, followed by her teeth, making the flesh dip under their weight, I jerk my attention back to Hadley. I need food. That’s what’s wrong with me. I’m hungry. Or maybe it’s because I haven’t been close to a female in a year.
“When did you get your lion tattoo?”
“I got it last year atSinfully Twisted Ink. After I sobered up.” The design covers my upper arm and a portion of my chest. I wanted something strong and fierce that represented independence and resilience. And a lion seemed to fit the bill.
“It’s nice.” She nods, shuts off the water, and wipes her hand on a towel. “I’ll get her clothes on, get you a bottle, and head to Andrew’s place.”
Panic swells in my chest as I hold the dripping baby like she’s a bomb about to go off. “You’re not staying?”
“I’ve got to get some clothes and the rest of my stuff.”
“Thank God.”
She wraps the towel around Hadley and rests her against my chest over the ink design. Her eyes twinkle as she waggles her eyebrows. “I never thought there would be a day where you would thank God I was round.”
I chuckle and shake my head. “Neither did I.”
Chapter Eight
Two Hours Later
“Just get out. You’ve done this before.” Jackson’s white garage door mocks me as I try to get up the nerve to get out and go inside. I’m not a pussy. Seriously.
Yes, I’ve done this before. I’ve nannied for four years and babysat since I was fourteen years old. But this is different. I know the people involved. This is the reason the nanny rules exist in the first place. Nigel was a nice man, but he never rushed into the room to save me from a spider.
And he never walked around without a shirt on. I shudder from my head to my thighs. Of course, I would’ve averted my eyes if he had.
There isn’t an ounce of flab on Jackson’s body. The man is a poster child for male cover models and sports stars. Heat works from my core out to my toes and fingers.
God, it’s hot in here.I lift my hair off my neck and stare into the rearview mirror. Is that why you took a shower and did your hair? And put on lipstick. Idiot.