Page 52 of The Sacrifice
“They are?” Tony waves to the waitress. “I thought we were picking them up after we left here.” He waggles his eyebrows. “Sorry, guys. Hate to drink and run, but my wife is demanding. If I don’t give her five orgasms to my lowly one, I’ll end up on the sofa.”
“Please.” She elbows him in the gut. “I’d let you have more, but you’re such a baby and wear out after one.”
“Wench,” he growls between gritted teeth.
“We should go, too.” Jackson straightens and collects the empty bottles, moving them to the end of the table for the waitress to discard easier. See… He does all this stuff on his own. How did I not think he was responsible and thoughtful?
As he pays up, Jenna asks, “Who’s watching Hadley?”
“My best friend, Jade, is watching her for a couple of hours.”
“Which sucks because when we get home, it’ll be hours before we can have–”
“There’s always the bathroom.” Tony interrupts Jackson and brings the elephant out into the open.
“Dude.” Jackson glares at him as his jaw flexes.
“Jackson, it’s fine. I’m serious. I’m not upset about being here or his references to the past. It’s okay.”
“You should exorcise the demon.”
“What are you talking about?” Jenna crosses her arms over her chest, and I’m impressed that Tony didn’t spill our personal issues with his wife. He’s not only an attentive and affectionate husband, but he’s also a good friend.
I lean into the table. “Hadley was conceived here.” I tip my head toward the bathrooms. “In the bathroom. And it’s not bothering me.” However, it’s bothering Jackson.
“If you’re worried Mia will think about Roxanne every time you come here, you should have sex here and permanently eradicate her from your memory.”
“I’m serious.” I grab his forearm and stare into his eyes. “I’m not upset about it. I know you love me, and you aren’t thinking about anyone else when we’re together. The past is the past.”
“Mia, I get it, but men are fragile,” Jenna pipes up. “Everyone thinks the female is all wrapped up in her feelings, but it’s usually the men. You need to let him work through his demons, so he doesn’t develop erectile dysfunction.”
“I don’t have erectile dysfunction.” The women behind Tony and Jenna’s heads swing around, and they eye us over the booth. “Shit.” He lowers his voice. “I don’t have a problem in that department.”
“Oh, honey.” Jenna pats Jackson’s hand and then pulls back to her side of the table. “They say the ones that protest the most have the biggest problems.”
By this point, I’m laughing so hard that I swipe at the corners of my eyes to keep from ruining my mascara. If all his friends are this fun, I’m going to piss my pants at some point.
“If you’re worried the bathroom will be too crowded, the VIP room is a great substitute.” Tony’s voice is devoid of humor.
Jenna gives Tony a dopey look. “That’s where we said I love you for the first time, and I told you about conceiving Marissa. And then, we had wild, crazy sex. The vibration of the surround sound down below….” Jenna shudders and turns her attention to me. “You’ve got to try it.”
“Lord, you two are too much–”
“Let’s do it.” I wrap my arm around Jackson’s bicep.
“You’re serious?” His eyes search my face as if he can’t believe I’d agree to do this.
“Yes, I’m serious.” I grab my drink with my free hand and down it. “Let’s go to the VIP room.” I’m not about to get my freak on in the bathroom where anyone could walk in. Unless the door opens inward, and we were pressed against it. A shudder travels along my spine. That holds promise, but I don’t know the layout of the bathrooms.
So, for now, a private VIP room sounds hot as fuck. And why not? There is a tiny part of me that resents Roxanne getting to have sex with Jackson in a public place. I don’t want him to think she’s more exciting than me. Ever.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
“We don’t have to do this.” I hold the passkey clutched between my fingers. We’re standing in front of the bar as nervous energy zips between us. The people around us ignore our conversation as they motion to the bartender for drinks.
“But what if I want to?” She raises on her tiptoes and cups my cheek. “Minus the drunk part, I’m intrigued by the idea of semi-public sex. Heavy on the semi- part.”