Page 77 of The Sacrifice
Once he’s inside, she checks to make sure no one follows them, shuts the door, and tucks her hair behind her ears. “What will it be?”
“Blowjob.” He pulls out a stash of money from behind the papers, flips out the twenty, and tucks the rest back into his pocket.
Her eyes light up as if blowjobs are a win-win, and they likely are. She gets paid and doesn’t have to put out. How many blowjobs can she give in an hour?
“Here.” He hands her the money. “If you do a good job, I’ll give you an extra five.”
“Oh, I’ll make it good.” She stuffs the money into the cup of her bra.
“I bet you would’ve.”
“Would’ve?” Her nose wrinkles to match her forehead.
No mercy. She dropped a kid off with a man who was basically a stranger, possibly not even the father, and headed to Vegas to become a prostitute. She’s made her choices.
“Yes. Would have.” He clears his throat, opens his suit jacket, and retrieves the papers. “There won’t be any exchange of sexual favors. I’m not the police, but I’ve been hired by a private security company, and our client needs your signature on a piece of paper.”
Her eyes narrow into the tiniest slits he’d ever seen. “Asshole.”
As he unfolds the papers, he raises them for her to see. “Our client wants you to relinquish your parental rights regarding a Hadley Torres.”
“This is bullshit. I can’t believe he tricked me like this.” She paces back and forth. “Mike is going to be pissed.”
“Lady, you can keep the money.”
She stops and slaps her hands on her hips. “No. That’s not it. When he discovered Hadley was Jackson’s child, he planned this whole thing. He wanted me to go to his house and tell him I was taking the baby to social services. I didn’t want a kid in the first place, but he convinced me to keep her with the plan of having him fall for her and then pressing him for money.” Tears fill her eyes. “He’s going to beat me.”
“The best thing you can do is sign the paperwork and go about your business. Otherwise, you’re looking at years in prison. On top of your pimp getting pissed.” He wasn’t there to rescue her. She got herself into this mess and can get out of it. He was there to save the future of a little girl, and one way or the other, that was going to happen. “Sign by the black X.”
“Fine.” She signs her name with a flourish. “I never thought this would work anyway. Jackson is a decent guy.” She hands the papers back. “I should have gone to him as soon as she was born and handed her over before Mike came up with this stupid idea. I told him it wasn’t going to work. We don’t have the money or resources to outwit him.”
“I’ll let him know.” He tucks the envelope into his interior pocket of his suit. “Thank you.” He rotates his head in a circle, making his neck pop. “If you want out, we’ve got enough people on-site to get you out without a scratch. This is a one-time offer, so you’d better make it quick. And it’s only to get you out and away from your pimp. That’s it.”
For several seconds, she stares at him. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m fine. Vegas has a lot of opportunities. I’ll be okay.”
He walks to the door and twists the knob. “Good luck.”
Before stepping into the hallway, he looks in all directions. It wouldn’t be the first time someone had tried to set him up, so he wasn’t taking any chances. The only person in the hallway was one of their men. He nods at him and returns to the bar.
Lola steps in front of him. “Got it?”
“Yes, it’s all good.” He nods. “How many minutes?”
“Fifteen on the dot.”
“Perfect.” He slings his arm over her shoulders. “You owe me double.”
“He’s good for it.” Truman’s voice rings in his ear. “Get to your suite, scan the papers in, and secure the originals. I’ve got people on your six.”
“Gotcha.” He presses the elevator button. “I told you I could get it done in fifteen minutes.”
“Quit bragging.” Truman barks into his earpiece.
Chapter Forty-Two
Two Weeks Later