Page 14 of Claiming What's His
“Fuck you!” She yelled back, pointing her finger at me. “You don’t want to take care of me, you want to control me. And you hate that I won’t let you. I don’t want whatever stupid job you wanted to make me do up here. And I don’t want whatever title you think you could give me to make my family proud of who I am. Because I stopped caring about what you and my family thought about me when I left your ass all those years ago after I found you fucking my best friend!”
She grabbed for the door handle, but I was already on her and slammed the door back shut from the few inches she had gotten it open.
“Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you Cora.”
“Fuck you Maverick. Leave me alone!”
“Because you obviously have failed to take care of yourself over the years and I won’t stand by while my ex, slums it as some chump’s personal bitch in my own building.”
“I don’t want anything from you! All I want is for you to leave me alone!” She brought her knee up to my crotch and I doubled over in agony as nausea rolled through my system.
She pushed me aside and walked out the door with her spine straight and escaped into the elevator. Veronica glared after her and then turned to me where I leaned on the door watching her walk away from me again and hated the way it made my skin crawl with a desperate need to drag her back to me.
“Not a word.” I ordered my assistant and slammed the door shut.
Fucking infuriating Cora.
Chapter 4- Cora
My hands shook as I rode the elevator down to my floor. Or rather my old floor.
I really wanted this job. I really needed it!
When the elevator doors opened, I walked out, and Nat looked up from her desk and eyed me over with her eyebrows raised to her hairline. “Uh Cora, you look…” She paused and grimaced.
I looked in the mirrored elevator doors and groaned. I laid my stuff on her desk and smoothed my hair down and twisted my dress to not be crooked across my chest anymore.
“I look like I just got railed in the CEO’s office don’t I?” I muttered, pissed off at myself.
“That’s exactly what you look like, though if that had actually happened, I would have expected maybe a smile on your face or something to indicate you were at least pleasured from it.”
“Ugh!” I groaned again and hung my head.
“Tell me everything.”
“I just got railed in the CEO’s office and I hate myself for it because I hate him.”
“Mr. Jones? How could you hate him? He’s the sexiest man in America and almost the richest man in the world and let’s be honest, those alpha men are great in the sack.” She was leaned forward on her elbows talking a mile a minute.
“I hate him because I know him from my childhood, and I didn’t realize he was ‘The Mr. Jones’ and now I have to quit because he’s demanding that I work upstairs with him and that will just end in disaster. Actually, everything will end in disaster regardless and I really wanted this job.”
“Okay, we have a lot to go through here.” She said with a smile. “Cocktails at a pub around the corner after work?”
“Sure.” I said and rolled my eyes. “I could use some alcohol to burn him off of me from the inside out.”
She laughed boisterously as I turned from her desk and headed back to mine.
I didn’t want to quit Halo, I wanted this job to prove to myself I could do it. When I got to my desk I dropped everything and was pulling out my chair when Mr. Peterson poked his head out of his office. “Ah Cora! You’re back, come on in and tell me how the meeting went.”
I slapped a smile on my face and nodded, following after him into his office as he shut the door. I hated the way my inner thighs were wet from Maverick as I tried to focus on my boss.
“So how did the meeting go? Did he make the deal?” Mr. Peterson said, sitting on the desk as I sat in one of his chairs.