Page 19 of Claiming What's His
I sat on the floor of my shower until the water turned cold and then I forced myself from the tile and got out, wrapping myself up in a fluffy towel, careful not to disturb any of my wounds that ached and burned. When I wiped the steam from the mirror I gasped as I looked at my face.
There was a cut on the bridge of my nose, as well as my lip and cheek, and my left eye was already black and blue, and the white part of my eye was red and blood shot. There was a knot the size of Texas on the back of my head and my ego was just as hurt.
I hated that someone got the best of me and left me feeling weak and helpless.
I left the bathroom and got dressed, before crawling into bed and calling my bank and turning off the two debit and credit cards I owned, thanking God that none of my money had been taken before I got to it. And then I called security at Hawthorn Tower to report the loss of my ID badges so they could turn them off as well.
The man that answered was nice enough and took down all of my information, asking if they were lost or stolen. I’d paused for a second before saying they were taken in a mugging but as soon as I said it, I regretted it. I didn’t want that getting back to Maverick somehow.
When I was done speaking with him, I called Mr. Peterson’s voice mail and left a message that I wouldn’t be in tomorrow due to an unforeseeable circumstance, and that I’d call him to speak with him directly tomorrow.
I could only imagine how smug Mav would feel if he knew I called out of work on my second day after our fight. He would probably gloat, thinking it was because of him.
Smug bastard.
I took a handful of Tylenol and brought my puke bucket with me to bed, incase the alcohol mixed with a concussion caused me to vomit in my sleep. I groaned as I laid in my bed, unable to get comfortable on either side because of my ribs and couldn’t lay on my back because of my head.
Somehow, I managed to pass out, and it was well into the following day before I woke up, feeling even worse than when I went to sleep.
“Fuck.” I groaned, unable to even get out of bed.
Chapter 5 – Maverick
I was agitated and angry as I paced my office, which was not something I was used to feeling like. I had been this way since I left Cora outside the bar last night and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I fucked things up even worse by walking away from her. I wanted to see her, but I forced myself to stay upstairs in my own office and away from hers.
Veronica walked into my office with a coffee and a smile, no doubt trying to sweeten me up. But even looking at her, got me more riled up. She set my coffee down as I glared at her and she paused, “Can I get you something else?” She purred.
“Perhaps you can give me an explanation as to why what I do in my office behind closed doors became any of your business yesterday. Or better yet, why you decided to open your mouth about what you heard and gossiped about it to others like it was any oftheirfucking business.”
My tone and language put her on edge, and I reveled in the way her eyes widened a bit as she tightened her hands together in front of her.
“I’m not sure what you mean Sir–“ She started but I cut her off.
“Do not ever let me hear rumors about myself or Cora Valentine leave your mouth again. Or I will fire you so fucking fast your hair will fall out on the elevator ride downstairs. Do you understand me?” I asked bitterly.
She straightened her spine and nodded her head. “Yes sir. I understand you.”
“Good, now get the fuck out of my sight and do your best to avoid my wrath the rest of the day!”
She nodded again and scurried out of my office and shut the door behind her. She had gotten too used to having free reign around here because she was a damned good assistant but talking negatively about Cora was a sure-fire way to get fired.
I didn’t care if I even liked Cora currently or not, she would be respected by those in my life regardless.
I owed her that much.
I cursed and drank down the steaming hot coffee, punishing myself for acting like a barbarian yesterday until I couldn’t take it any longer.
I got up and stormed from my office and went down to Halo. I didn’t know what I planned on saying or doing when I got to her desk, but I just knew I had to make sure she was okay.
When I got to the reception area, Cora’s friend Nat sat at her desk, looking hung over as fuck and miserable. “Good morning Nat.” I said loudly across the space, and she groaned at me.
“If I could flip you off and not get fired, I would.” She said back plainly.
“That’s fair.” She drank far more than I thought was possible over the short time I stayed at the bar last night after I abandoned Cora.
I walked past her and headed down the small hallway towards Cora’s desk. “Uh-” Nat started, suddenly finding energy. “If you’re here for Cora, I don’t think she’s in today.”
“What do you mean?” I stopped and turned back towards her.