Page 96 of Claiming What's His
Her eyes rounded as she took the money and slid it into her pocket. “Of course Mr. Jones.” She said and turned to Cora. “It was a pleasure to have you in our store today Ma’am. Please come back anytime you’re in need of anything else and we’ll make sure to see to your every need.”
“Thank you Aurora, it’s been a wonderful experience.” Cora replied sweetly and I took her hand, leading her from the store with her heavy garment bag over my arm. I walked to the car and laid it out across the back seat and went to open her door for her, but she paused and stepped back.
“I want to run across the street for some snacks.” She said, nodding to the convenience store and looked downright devilish.
“You do love your snacks, don’t you?” I mused. “I have to make a phone call anyway.”
“I’ll run over and be right back then.” She stood up on her toes and kissed me sweetly. “And I’ll be sure to grab you some peanut butter cups, because we both know if I don’t get you your own, you’ll eat all of mine.” She said and winked as she pulled back.
“Hurry back.” I called after her as she crossed the busy street at the crosswalk. I found myself rooted right in place, watching her graceful legs as she gently jogged out of the way of traffic and into the store. But I shook myself out of it and picked up my phone, dialing the man I needed to help me finish off her look for Saturday night.
“Ruby, it’s Maverick Jones. It seems I need your assistance on another time sensitive project for my wife.” I said when the older man answered.
“Oh Mr. Jones! What an honor to be a part of another project for the lovely Cora, what can I help you with?”
“We have the charity event for my brother’s memorial this Saturday, and we’ve just picked out Cora’s dress, a satin sapphire gown and I want to drape her with diamonds and jewels to match. Can you help me?”
“Ooh Mr. Jones, I can help you for sure!” He said, and I laughed at the giddy mirth in his voice. We talked for a few more minutes about the ideas I had and then hung up, with the man on the mission to get me pictures within the hour and the jewels delivered to our penthouse, ready for Saturday night after I picked out the final set.
I turned towards the shop across the street in time to see Cora step out of the front door, with a bag filled to the brim with her loot and chuckled. She met my eyes over the roof of the car and smiled guiltily at the amount of snacks she got. She paused at the crosswalk, waiting on the light to change so she could cross and then she stepped out onto the street.
A shiver crawled up my spine and moved down my arms as I watched her elegant walk across the street, but it wasn’t out of admiration this time. Something was wrong.
A second later I heard it, the rev of an engine coming from the other end of the block and my gut sank as I whipped my head towards the sound.
A black truck weaved around traffic as it raced towards the intersection like it was intentionally trying to break the law.
I whipped my head back towards the intersection as the truck neared and screamed for my wife. “Cora!” But she was already turning her head towards the noise of the truck barreling down on her. I dropped my phone from my hands and took off on a sprint towards her as she whipped her body around towards the other sidewalk and tried desperately to get out of the trucks way in time. “Cora!” I screamed again.
People were frozen all around us as they watched the horrific scene unfold. The truck blasted through the intersection, swerving right towards Cora and it blocked my view of her as my heart sank. I couldn’t see where she was, I couldn’t see if she got out of the way in time as my legs pumped powerfully, carrying me towards the scene.
The truck sideswiped a car parked on the side of the street before the crosswalk and it clicked in my brain that it was trying to run Cora down.
Chaos broke out, multiple people screamed as the truck collided with multiple other cars before racing off down the street, away from the scene.
But I couldn’t pay it anymore attention as I finally got across the street to where Cora laid on the ground. “Cora, baby!” I wrapped my hands around her arms as she bolted upright, trying to scramble the rest of the way out of the street and my heart finally started beating again as I realized, she hadn’t been hit. “Shh,” I said, “You’re okay.”
She was hysterical, her eyes were wide, and she was as white as a ghost as she clung to me. “Mav! He… he aimed…” She stuttered in shock. I ran my hands up and down her arms, checking for injuries there and on her head and face, but all was clear.
Her knee was scraped open from falling on the ground, and her dress was ripped along her thigh, but other than that she was fine. “Oh my God.” I gasped and crushed her to me. “Holy fuck.” She clung to me, gripping my shirt in her tiny hands as she tried to calm down too. “You’re okay baby, it’s alright.”
People gathered all around us, watching in horror as multiple people called 9-1-1 and relayed information about the truck to the operators.
“I want to get up.” She said, looking around at all the people and cellphones aimed her direction. “Mav, get me out of here.”
“Shh.” I said, picking her up, cradling her against my chest and looking around, trying to find a gap away from everyone.
“Is she okay?”
“I called 9-1-1.”
“Was she hit?”
“That truck ran her down!”
Everyone was yelling out in shock and dismay and Cora shook in my arms. I needed to get her out of here. Traffic was completely stopped all around, thanks to the multiple cars that had been pushed out into traffic after the truck hit them, so I crossed through the wreckage towards my car across the street.
I opened the passenger door and gently sat Cora down on the seat, taking her face in my hands and kissing her deeply. I felt her shakes become more violent as the adrenalin wore off and I ran my hands back down her body. “Does anything hurt? Is anything broken?” I asked.