Page 61 of Hard Road Home
The inn appeared out of the patchy gloom of the street; a blaze of light compared to the other houses with their curtained windows showing only glimmers.
Bonnie loosened her grip on his arm. “They’ve left all the outside lights on. Some of the guests must still be out.”
“It’s not very late.”
At the gate, she turned. “Are you coming in? I imagine your grandparents are still up.”
“I’m staying the night, didn’t you realise?”
“Is that a problem?”
“I gave my room to the Tinknells. It was the only one available.”
He stared down at her, trying to read her face. “And my room?”
“I moved in there. I thought you’d be out at your place.”
“Are we beyond sharing, even as friends?”
Her slow smile wrenched something in his gut. “There are two beds, I suppose.”
“And my stuff?”
“Still there. It’s only for the one night. The Tinknells are heading home tomorrow.”
“I know. They have someone interested in their house on the coast.”
“That was quick.” Her comment seemed automatic as she made her way to the front door. It opened under her touch. “As I thought, still guests to come in. Your grandparents must be in their quarters.”
“I suppose I should go and speak to them.”
“I’ll head up and have a shower.”
“Does that mean I don’t get to see your long johns?”
“Not this time.”
Not this time. Was she implying there would be other times? A future. Had tonight changed her opinion of him? Surely not as a result of a few songs. Unless Tinker’s parents had told her something. He didn’t want to gain her good opinion on those grounds. Anyone would have tried to clean up Tinker’s mess. He’d only done it out of guilt. There was still the feeling he’d failed his friend. At least, it had started that way. He couldn’t remember when it had changed to being personal. Because he’d become fond of the grieving older couple, had found an affection for Tamara and the boy.
He wanted to follow Bonnie up those stairs, to begin as he meant to go on. Together in all the important things. “I’ll catch you later.”
Bonnie took hertime in the shower. She tied her hair up so it didn’t get wet and scrubbed herself clean. She’d shaved and washed her hair during the afternoon, ready for the concert. Was she hoping something would happen tonight?
There were still things they needed to talk about. His thoughts on having children. Now he’d had time to think about it, would he have done his usual thing in looking for solutions. Nutting things out like he’d done years ago when planning the future. Maybe the reality of having children would still be too much, considering his own past. If nothing else, her revelations had jolted him out of the fairy-tale picture he’d carried around of some kind of idealised family.
She dressed quickly in one of her nicer pyjama sets, an ice-green satin with a pocket in the trousers for her insulin pump. With a laugh, she imagined putting a pocket in some of those lacy confections she saw advertised. Probably not.
The bedroom was cool and she switched on the heater. The narrow beds were not exactly romantic or even practical for two, but then, she didn’t know what Xander planned. He’d looked tired after the concert and the media circus. Maybe he would want sleep more than anything else.
She was in bed, checking her phone when Xander arrived. He must have made the dash straight from the bathroom, wrapped in one of the big bath sheets supplied by the inn. His hair was dripping onto the bundle of clothes he held against his chest as he locked the door.
“I thought I was never getting away. Pamela and Kevin were in the private lounge too and they were talking up a storm. I hadn’t realised they knew each other so well from before. It’s not like they’re the same generation. I mean, everyone knows everyone in a town this size, but apparently they used to be in the bridge club together. Crazy small world.”
Bonnie waited for the outpouring of words to slow down. Was Xander nervous? This was the first time they were really alone since the argument up on the mountain, unless you counted the stroll home from the concert. “I’m not going to yell at you, Xander. I wouldn’t want to frighten the guests.”