Page 23 of With You
“We’re all checked in, Meadow.” He leaned down to my ear. “I’m ready for you.”
My breath caught. “Enjoy the rest of your day,” I told the woman.
She nodded. “You too.”
Shade led us down a long hall until we reached a set of elevators. “Who was that?”
“I don’t know. She was telling me about the pictures. I think she’s a sub.”
“Look at you, knowing the lingo.” He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes. “I read books, Shade.” It also wasn’t hard to figure out that sub was short for submissive.
His laughed deepened. “Books are nothing like the real thing.” He winked. “Trust me.”
“Oh I know.” I laughed. “I tried Googling but that hasn’t overly helpful. I’d rather learn from you anyway.”
Shade waggled his eyebrows. “I’m down for teaching.”
I giggled, shaking my head. “Then teach away, Baby Boy. Teach me how to dominate you,” I said, stepping in front of him and backing up.
A wicked grin spread on his face. “I don’t think I need to teach you much, Meadow. You are a freak. You’re worse than I am.”
I feigned a gasp, clutching my chest. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m an angel.”
A laugh boomed through him. “Right.” He hooked an arm around my shoulder, kissing my temple. “Thank you.”
I smiled, patting his stomach. “No, thank you, Shade. For everything. For getting me away this weekend.”
“I have a surprise for you when we get home but first, lets get settled, fuck and then go get some food.”
“You’re so romantic.” I laughed.
He snarled in my ear, the scruff on his jaw tickling me. “I am romantic, but I need to be fucked by my wife. We can make love later.”
“Sounds like a delicious plan.” A shiver trembled through me. “But do you think you can handle me inside you, Baby Boy?” I asked, grazing my hand down Shade’s chest. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
He smirked, placing a soft peck on my forehead. “Trust me. With enough lube, you’ll be fine.”
A breathless laugh left me. As dominant as I wanted to be for him, I didn’t want to cause him any pain. Maybe I was more nervous than I thought.
Once the elevator dinged, indicating that we had reached our floor, I took a deep breath.
“After you, Little Lamb,” Shade whispered in my ear.
I stepped out into the hall, my eyes widening. The walls were painted black with red carpet and dim lighting. It was like we stepped intoChristian Grey’s ‘Red Room of Pain,’ only this was just a hallway. I wasn’t sure what it was about the color, but red was sexy as hell.
I jumped, spinning around. “Sorry. I’m distracted and I think I am a little nervous.”
Shade gave me a small smile. “I get it.” He nodded to the other end of the hall. “Our room is this way. We can take our time but remember, you do have my baby growing in you, so I need to feed you at some point.”
I nodded, walking past him and channeling the strength Sunny would give me if he were still alive. It was like I could almost hear his voice, telling me that it would be okay. That Shade loved me. That we didn’t have to do this tonight and we could do whatever we wanted and gradually work up to me actually fucking Shade in time.
Shade walked past me, stopping at a door. He swiped the key card through the slot and pushed the door open, letting me enter first.
When I entered the room, I wasn’t sure what I expected to see but it definitely wasn’t what lay before me. It was a normal room with a bed, a dresser, a TV sitting on top of it, a door to the right that led to the bathroom, and that was it.