Page 51 of Hidden Lies
“Not particularly,” I say.
“Honestly, me neither. Not my type.” He slides his hands deep in the pocket of his jeans, making his brawny forearms flex.
Gloria saunters over to us. “Hi, Gabe. Do you want to hang out this weekend? I know it’s Friday, but I was hoping maybe you didn’t have any plans.”
Gabe watches me as he answers. “Why don’t you ask the three available Kings? You seem to always like their company. I’m not into the group thing. I’m more of a one-girl-at-a-time kind of guy.”
Gloria’s mouth falls open.
I’m surprised. I never would have thought Gabe would turn someone like Gloria down. She looks like a college girl in a cheesy porn video dressed in a plaid skirt and short top, but then again, that is the fantasy she is trying to sell.
“Hey, Lucy. What’s wrong?” Gloria pouts her bottom lip out sarcastically. “Mason got bored with you already?”
My hand grips the chilly wine cooler bottle. She’s just trying to taunt me because she could have gone to Mason before sauntering her skanky ass over here.
“Why don’t I keep you company,” she says.
I can still feel his stare as I motion in his direction. “Why don’t you go ahead and go hang out with him, he’s all yours.”
Her mouth opens like a nutcracker. She probably cannot believe I just gave her the go-ahead. “Aren’t you two close?”
“We are good friends that grew up together, but we are all adults now, and obviously, you have an extensive sexual history with him.” I wave my hand. “Go have fun. Like I said, he is all yours.”
She eyes me warily as she makes her way in his direction. Gabe’s head moves back and forth to Gloria and then to me. I give him a grin and turn around when she walks up, not wanting to see her put her hands on him or act coquettishly. Even if I’m moving on, the wound opens and reminds me of how much I loved Mason.
Khalani gazes at me and then over to where the guys are leaning against the wall. She nods in understanding. She knows I just gave Gloria the green light to do whatever she wants with Mason. I’m done caring, and this proves to everyone I’m ready to move on.
“Want to dance?” Gabe walks closer. “I’m sorry you have to deal with girls like that constantly. Must have been annoying as hell being the only girl growing up with a bunch of guys. Girls always thinking you’re the competition when you’re just trying to look out for your brother and his best friends.”
I take a deep sigh as Khalani is about to throw her mix in. Gabe seems nice, and I give him a plus for turning Gloria down the way he did. It’s refreshing to know not all guys like having threesomes with girls.
He won me over with his last statement about it being hard being the only girl growing up with a group of guys. It reminds me of why I love having Khalani and Linda to call when I need girly advice.
I grin. “Yeah, it kind of sucked. I was lonely all the time until my brother married Khalani. She’s like a sister to me.”
He moves closer, and I can smell his spicy cologne. It’s not like Mase or Alex’s scent, but he doesn’t smell bad either. “You guys are close, huh? She seems cool. Is she going to spin something?”
“Ready,” Khalani says over to me.
I give her a smile and down the rest of my wine cooler and place the empty bottle on a nearby table. I say loudly, so everyone can hear, “Khalani, drop that shit!”
She points at me with one headphone in her ear and the song begins. The crowd goes wild as the lyrics flow through the speakers and the beat drops. I dance with my hands up in the air in my high as fuck heels, swaying to the beat of the song.
“That shit is sick. She is hella good,” Gabe yells over the music. He comes up behind me and circles his hand around my waist. The song changes to “Demon” by Ali Bakgor. Only the Kings and Khalani know its double meaning.
The crowd is pumped like we are in the hottest dance club in LA with a famous DJ spinning music. Khalani could make it big if she wanted, but she loves my brother too much to tour and leave his side.
Gabe dances behind me in a smooth rhythm. His mouth is close to my ear, and he says, “I’m going to give you my number before your bodyguard comes over and takes you away from me.”
My head snaps up and sure enough, Mase is making his way over to us with a murderous expression. Mase is shaped like a gargantuan man. He is practically tossing people out of his way.
Even though I have to move on, I also cannot hide the fact that Mason Montgomery is a gorgeous man with the face of a model and body of a gladiator.
Gabe asks me for my number, and I give it to him. He sends me a text letting me know he has my number and I have his. “I’ll call you later and maybe we can hang out. It was nice talking with you, Lucy.” He looks nervous when he sees Mason getting closer and walks away toward his group of friends.
Chapter Twenty-Seven