Page 60 of Hidden Lies
“You think that asshole over there”—I point in Smiley’s direction—“can love her? He was fucking somehynitain his car when we rolled up at the meetup. All he is going to do is make her a fucking target or worse, get her killed. She isn’t safe with him.”
I know I’m being petty, but it’s the truth. He is a danger to her. Look what happened at the meetup. She practically had to kill that bitch. Lucy doesn’t deserve to have to look over her shoulder or hide somewhere.
Smiley gives me a hard glare and then glances over at Lucy with a guilty expression. Lucy tries to help me clean my face, but I step away. I need space from her right now because I’m about to carry her away and do whatever it takes to make it right with her again and to hell with everything else.
“That’s not your problem,” Aiden says. “She can decide who she wants to sleep with.”
Fuck me for always being the dutiful son and pleasing my father. In doing so, I have hurt the one person I cared about. The one girl who cared about me for the person I am. She never judged me for what I had to do for my father and the Kings. She understood everything. She was always there for me, and I wasn’t there for her. He’s right, I abandoned her, and I lied to my best friend about my sleeping with his sister.
Leo watches Smiley intently and then glances over at me. Leo analyzes things from his perspective, which are usually right. I swear the guy is a psychic or something. He reads people very well and is particularly good at uncovering information when he puts his mind to it.
After I clean my face up the best I can, everyone is waiting silently for me to take a seat. Smiley raises a brow and I give him a cold, hard stare. He looks away because he knows that all I feel like doing is reaching over and splitting his face. Giving Smiley a death glare, I lift Lucy gently by the arm and she gets up from the chair. I take a seat and motion for her to sit in my lap. I’m relieved she doesn’t protest. She turns and examines my face with her soft fingers, grabbing a soft washcloth Linda gives her and gently pats the blood oozing from each cut.
After Lucy cleans me up the best she can, I cage her between my arms and place my hands on the table.
I’m looking directly at Aiden seated across from me at the table while Lucy is sitting on my left thigh. “I’m going to let that shit slide because I fucked up with your sister.” I point at Smiley with a blinding rage that is boiling inside of me. Lucy senses it because my thighs are trembling, and she stays still. “Touch her with your dick or any part of your body and I’ll chop it the fuck off.Entiendes pinchy cabron.”
The fucker stays silent and I fucking lose it. “ANSWER ME!” I roar.
Lucy, Khalani, and Linda jolt at the sound of my voice. Linda gets up from the table and practically runs out of the room with Colton on her heels. She gets nervous when shit is going down and she never gets involved if us guys are handling our differences. She has witnessed some of our carnage. The rest are waiting silently, not telling me anything because they know I’m losing it. When I’m mad, I don’t think. I fuck things up and ask questions later.
“Yeah,” Smiley says, clearly pissed. His nostrils flaring with his hands in tight fists. He knows not to fuck with me.
“You want to handle this shit now or we leave it like it is?”
He swallows, contemplating and raises his head, tilting his neck to the ceiling. “I’m good.”
I nod and then clear my throat. I tilt my head to Aiden. “Let’s handle business.”
He sighs and begins. “We got the info we need to pay Smoke a visit and got a handle on who is running the Hillside GuNz to take them out. Smiley will handle it first thing tomorrow.” Aiden says.
“Make sure he doesn’t go alone. I don’t trust theseputos,” I counter, grimacing from the sting of my lip.
“I agree with Mase,” Leo says.
“Alright, we wait until morning when Smiley hits us up. There is not much we can do about it tonight,” Aiden says.
I slide my hands on Lucy’s thighs up to her waist and she moves, causing my dick to twitch. She squirms when I slide my hands up her back, feeling her soft skin beneath my hand. “Ride with your brother. I’ll talk with you later,” I say softly.
She gets up and slides her dress down. From the archway, I watch Colton walk down the hallway and I could have sworn he was leaving Linda’s room, but maybe with my eye swelling up, I could have imagined it.
We all file out and say our goodbyes. I walk over to Aiden’s Charger with Lucy’s handbag and little cardigan in my hand. She looks up at me with a grimace when her gaze travels over my face.
“Do you need help when you get home? I’m sorry—”
I hand her the bag and cardigan, interrupting her. “I’ll be fine. You don’t have to apologize for anything. I’m the one that hurt you and I deserved it. I was wrong and I’m truly sorry, Lucy. From the bottom of my heart, I’m so sorry.”
Smiley comes up to her and my nostrils flare in annoyance like a bull seeing red. I don’t think, and jealousy roars like smoke coming out of my ears in the cool night air as I take a swing and punch Smiley in the face. He staggers back.
“I meant what I said. If Your dick comes anywhere near my girl again I will slice it off and make that bitch that was sucking your dick earlier swallow it,” I say menacingly.
Alex laughs with blood oozing from his lip. He spits blood on the sidewalk but stands up.
“Why, Mase?” Lucy says, clearly upset with me.
I point in his direction. “He needs to understand that you’re mine. You will always be mine.”