Page 68 of Hidden Lies
How do I answer that? I’m not sure if I’m with him or if I’m just acting out on wants that have been building for such a long time. I know Mase said he wanted to be with me, but I’m just going to take things slow and not read too much into it.
Lucy: Maybe. I don’t know anything right now.
Mase, Colton, and Leo enter the cafeteria. The girls two tables over are looking at the guys with longing.
One brave girl smiles and waves at Mase. “Hey, Mase. I’m going to the game later. Want to hang out after?”
I put my cell phone away and pick at my fries, immediately losing my appetite. I move to pick up my plate and leave when Colton slides into the seat in front of me.
“Hey, where are you going?”
I pause and look up. Mase and Leo are staring at me. Mase glances at my plate and then at me, completely ignoring the girl asking to hang out.
“You haven’t eaten,” Mase says in a serious tone.
“I’m not that hungry,” I lie because I just want to leave and not be a witness to him flirting with someone who isn’t me. I’m not prepared for him to walk around the table and lean down to kiss me on the lips in front of everyone.
“Como estas, princessa?How are you? Why aren’t you hungry?” he rasps against my lips.
His hungry eyes are like molten lava. The cafeteria grows quiet as every eye is trained on Mason Montgomery, kissing the QB1’s sister.
“It’s about time,” Leo mumbles.
My face heats with excitement and my heart is beating fast. Is he claiming me in front of everyone? The kiss is soft and full of possession, a man wanting to make sure everyone knows the girl he’s kissing belongs to him.
When he pulls away, he sits down next to me and slides my chair over the linoleum floor next to his, as close as possible.
Colton raises his brows and amusement lights his eyes. He points his finger between both of us. “Does this mean you two are together? Because if it does, I’m all for it.”
Mase answers for both of us. “Yeah, she’s mine and I’m hers. Only hers. It’s you and Leo from now on.”
My insides twist in shock and excitement that he is making us official.
“And Aiden?” Colton asks.
“He knows,” Mase drawls. “Where are you going after class?” Mase asks me.
“I have to go settle the bill for the crib I promised Hector and Esperanza. The baby is so cute and soft. I would hate for him to be uncomfortable or worse, fall and get hurt.”
My heart squeezes because I would have loved to pick out baby items for our baby.
“I could go with you. I don’t have to be back until later to make it to the game.”
The softness I see on Mason’s face makes me wonder how much he would have loved the idea of us being parents at such a young age. We aren’t regular teenagers. Mase is a cartel King, after all. And the Cortez Cartel is no joke. Mason is a monstrous man with power. A cartel King. His father is a senator in politics, but Mase… he’s a political head boss that has a straight link to other narcos.
Mase is the quiet King but one of the most ruthless. All the Kings are in their own way. Their alliance is so strong they can basically run their own country with the amount of money and pull they have between the US and Mexico.
* * *
After school, we make it to the baby furniture store.
“Hello, you must be Lucy. Right?” the lady with a short bob greets me as soon as I walk in with Mason. I called her on the way, letting her know I was stopping by.
“Yes. Is it here?”
She knows I’m referring to the crib I ordered. It was better than the one Esperanza wanted but has the same function to grow with the baby. I also bought sheets and a mattress along with a changing table. I may not have had my little angel, but I have so much money in my account. How could I be frugal when it’s for an innocent baby? Hector has risked his life for the Kings and his family for so long. It’s the least I can do.
“I’ll be right back,” the salesperson says. “I’ll make sure the truck is ready to deliver and then we can settle the account. I will just need a signature for payment.”