Page 100 of Broken
“You wanted to leave.”
“Yes and no.”
“Why no?”
He flipped to the next picture, one where they’d turned the camera on themselves as they laid in the field, the flash providing plenty of light as they smiled up into the lens.
“That’s why.” He leaned his head against hers. “That’s why.”
They looked through the rest of the photos in silence. Many were of them kissing, smiling at one another, or at the camera. His breath caught in his throat as he saw the one he’d taken of her looking down at him, her lips swollen from his kisses, her hair in disarray.
It was after that photo that they’d set the camera aside and had made love—first with caution, and then with abandon—beneath the night sky, the stars moving as the hours passed.
Then he flipped to the last picture.
He was shirtless.
She was wearing his tuxedo jacket, her bare shoulder exposed.
Their smiles in this photograph were softer, contented.
Lorenzo lifted his head, shifting as he put the stack of photos on the coffee table, and Katrina sat up as well.
“I have to go.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, her heart pounding, remembering how he’d said those very words to her that night.
Remembering how he’d disappeared after.
“I have to,” was all he said now as he stood and walked slowly towards the door.
“Ren?” She stood as well as he turned back towards her. “Thank you. Tonight was...nice. Very nice.”
One corner of his mouth lifted. “Yes, it was.”
She moved towards him, but he took a step back, so she stayed standing there, several feet between them. “Are you all right?”
He swallowed, his eyes holding the slightest hint of pain. “I have to go,” he repeated.
“I understand,” she said softly. “Please know you’re safe with me.”
“That was it, you know? The only night that ever meant anything to me.”
Tears touched her eyes. Sure, she’d been with Timothy, but it had never been the same. He’d never taken her to heights unknown, never whispered his words of adoration, never touched her with the same reverence that Ren had.
“Same,” she replied, and she saw a hint of a smile on his face as he reached for the doorknob behind him.
“Goodnight, Trina.”
“Goodnight, Ren. Be safe.”
One last smile from him, and he was gone.