Page 156 of Broken
“Admit it,” Judith saidas she adjusted her sunglasses. “The reunion was a total fucking riot. So much fun.”
“Too much fun,” Lorenzo corrected her, placing his sunglasses on his face. “My head is pounding.”
“Let’s all agree to a low roar,” Justin added as he came up, his mirrored sunglasses matching Lorenzo’s.
“I agree,” Katrina said softly, the sound of her voice making her cringe. Even speaking softly was too loud.
“I still say,” Judith continued, “that the best part of the whole reunion was the look on Emily’s face as she was being ignored by almost everyone.”
“I would say the best part was the open bar, but...” Justin rubbed his temples. “Man, am I regretting taking advantage of that now.”
“I know the best part,” Lorenzo said, his smile warm and soft as he put his arm around Katrina, who now sported a diamond ring on her left hand.
“Yeah, Cade and Trina are finally making it official, bla bla bla,” Judith teased, but her smile was genuine. “That thing is hurting my eyes in the sun.”
“Not sorry,” Katrina mumbled, snuggling in to Lorenzo.
“Why did we all agree to the move-in party being the day after our reunion?” Judith asked.
“Because I get visitation with my daughter today and needed furniture, have the keys to my now-closed on house, and because we were all fucking stupid,” Lorenzo replied.
“I don’t know anyone by that name,” Justin quipped, and was promptly swatted in the arm by Judith. “Ow. But admit it, that was funny.”
“What time is Martin bringing the truck?” Katrina asked, and Lorenzo checked his phone.
“He should be here any time now.”
“And Miranda?”
“At one.”
It was already 12:30 by the time Martin arrived and backed the truck onto the property.
“You’re ruining the landscape!” Judith shouted despite the agreement that they stay as quiet as possible. “He’s ruining the landscape, Cade.”
“It’s just grass,” Lorenzo said with a shrug. “It’ll grow back. You ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Katrina answered, adjusting her own sunglasses. Bright light hurt. The sound of the lift on the truck was excruciating. She had made the promise, however, to help Lorenzo move into the house they’d spent countless hours exploring one another in whenever they got the chance.
It was the same house he’d sworn she would live in one day.
And she’d promised that after all the dust settled, after Miranda was his and no one could take her away, she would.