Page 39 of Broken
Of course, he wasn’t.
He was talking about Emily.
Emily whom he had friended first.
Emily who had shunned him from the moment he came to live with them.
“I don’t want to fight, Trina.”
“You know we’re going to eventually, Ren.”
“Yeah.” His voice was sad. “I know. But not today, remember? Not today.”
No, this day she was staring at the boy remembering long ago how he’d sung to her as they’d left the theatre,Phantom of the Operafresh in their minds.
“You should take uptheatre in school,” Katrina suggested as Lorenzo took her hand, and his head tilted back in laughter.
“No. No way.”
“Why not?”
“Because I can’t remember lines. I can barely remember what I need to for tests.”
“Okay, so point made. But you can sing.”
“It’s more than just singing, it’s...that was magical tonight, Trina. Absolutely amazing.”
She smiled as she squeezed his hand. “I knew you’d love it.”
“And it’s earlier than I thought.” He glanced down at her, then forward as they walked towards the parking garage. “We should do something before we head back.”
“You’ll see.”
In the end, they’d had barely enough time to take the drive past Katrina’s house and to the stables on the Torrence property, but he’d made sure he took her there.
“I wanted to see you beneath the stars,” he’d murmured in her ear as they danced beneath them to the beat of their hearts.
“I love you, Ren.”
He tilted her chin up and gazed into her eyes. “I believe you when you say that, Trina.”
“Because it’s true.”
He leaned closer, his lips grazing against hers. “I love you,” he whispered against her lips.
Gone were the worries about the future, the fear of being late home from their first date.
All that mattered was the love that flowed like water between them, and their belief that nothing could take it away.
“Ihate that we’re strangers.”
She blinked in surprise as the words left her, and she was afraid of his reaction to them.