Page 57 of Broken
“Well, can you blame him, honey?”
“Timothy doesn’t know everything.”
“But do you? Finally? Do you have your answers?”
“Not all of them.”
“Where was this accident? Where has that boy been all this time?”
“Here. The accident was here, on Willow Creek Road.”
“Oh my! It must have been up towards the Torrence estate. Probably on that curve, the one missing the guardrail. You’d think they’d put something up there by now. How is he?”
Katrina smiled sadly. “Fine. Physically fine. You’d said that Mr. Torrence had a heart attack.”
“Yes, isn’t that sad? His poor little girl, losing her mama and almost losing her father.”
That poor little girl obviously meaning Miranda.
Katrina wondered if Miranda’s care had been entrusted to Emily, if that was another reason she’d only heard from her in the manner that she had.
“That’s a piece of this puzzle I’m trying to put together. I’m just...Mom, was I that blind when I was younger? He said they made him leave. I don’t recall anything that would have made them push him out, not like that.”
“Well, we don’t know what goes on behind those doors when they’re closed either.”
“Unless it hits the country club gossip mill?” Katrina asked, and Estella laughed.
“Exactly. And baby, you were so wrapped up in Lorenzo I think the roof could have caved in and you wouldn’t have noticed.”
Katrina frowned. It wasn’t the answer she’d wanted to hear.
“Please, baby.” Estella touched Katrina’s arm. “Please don’t get that wrapped up again. I’d hate to see him hurt you like that all over again.”
“I’m fine.” Katrina smiled with a reassurance that didn’t quite reach her heart. “We’ll be working with him. Judith and me, I mean.”
Estella shook her head. “Oh, honey.”
“It will be fine, Mom. I promise.”
She said it with as much conviction as she could muster.
If only she believed it.
Katrina loved kissingLorenzo.
She loved the feel of his full lips on hers, teasing, coaxing her to ease into him.
This kiss on the morning of their 18thbirthday held promise, hope, and an edge of heat that Katrina didn’t want to pull back from.
“Please don’t make out in front of me,” Justin complained.
Katrina’s eyes fluttered open as Lorenzo pulled back and smiled down at her, his easygoing smile, the one that made her heart skip a tiny beat. “Happy birthday, Trina.”
“Happy birthday, Ren.”
“Why do we still have to ride the bus anyway?” Justin asked, continuing his earlier rant. “We’re seniors now. We should be able to drive. Emily drives.”