Page 64 of Broken
So had she.
In the end, the nurse won, and Lorenzo was in the wheelchair as they exited the hospital. He had some difficulty getting into Katrina’s car, but managed to with a few winces. He closed his door as she put his duffel bag in the back.
“Okay!” the nurse said, still her cheerful self. “All set. Have a great day, and be safe.”
“Thank you,” Katrina murmured as she walked to the driver’s side of the car. Once in, with the soft scent of Lorenzo all around her, she let out a soft sigh before asking, “Where to?”
“Ren, you shouldn’t be working right now.”
“It’s alright, I just need to look over the books.”
The books.
That would have been her job.
“So you don’t bartend?” she asked as she put the car in drive and began the trek to Cade’s that somehow had engrained itself into her memory.
“Of course, I do.” His tone was light, easy, but still tugged at her heartstrings that she was desperate to put a wall around.
Was it too late for that?
When they pulled intothe lot of Cade’s, Martin was outside pacing, smoking a cigarette. “Oh, this can’t be good,” Lorenzo muttered.
“Martin quit smoking two years ago, only lights up now when he’s stressed. I’ve gotta take care of this.”
“I’ve got this, Trina.”
She exited the car as quickly as she could, Martin’s quick ramble showing his frustration.
“I don’t know what to do, man. You’ve got to fix this. I’m going to go insane.”
“What’s going on?” Lorenzo asked.
“She...she just barges in here like she owns the damn place and starts picking it apart, saying what’s going to be changed. Like she has any damn say so.”
His rant continued as Katrina scanned the lot, her eyes settling on a familiar vehicle.
Judith was there.
“You’ve got to get rid of her. She keeps saying she’s going to lose a puppy if we don’t do what she says. I’m telling you, she’s insane.”
Lorenzo’s head fell back in laughter, a sound that Katrina had been longing to hear for years.
“I’ve got this,” Lorenzo said as he patted Martin’s arm, a smile still on his face.
“Do you know anything about this?” Martin asked Katrina, who only then could smile, her heart still singing with Lorenzo’s laughter.
“This...this has got to go.” Judith’s voice reverberated through the otherwise empty room as the doors opened. “This carpet is sticky! Did you know this carpet is sticky? And what’s with all the brown? It’s tacky. This place needs an upgrade STAT. And what is this business of no margaritas, hmm? Even if you don’t want to have a blender, at least offer margaritas on the rocks. Tall glass.”
“Hello, Judith,” Lorenzo said to her with a grin. “It’s nice to see you, too.”