Page 83 of Broken
“I’m sorry; I can call you back.”
Lorenzo was on the line.
She swerved slightly, then got herself back in control. “I’m sorry,” she finally said. “I’m just on my way to work. I talked to Justin and Judith this morning.”
“I wanted to apologize for asking you to do that, actually.” She heard him inhale on a cigarette and exhale slowly. “I shouldn’t have put that on your shoulders.”
“It’s what friends do, Ren.”
“Friends. I like that.” His voice was choked with emotion. “I’m just a wreck today. Thank you for following through. I should have known you would. Did they...”
“I’m pretty sure they came to the conclusion on their own.” Katrina slowed for a red light and sighed.
“Shit what?”
“I hate...I hate this feeling. Like I’m dirty.”
“Trust me, that’s the last thing you are.”
“I’ve got to shower,” he said quickly.
He took so many of those, all the time.
Like I’m dirty.
She mentally wanted to kick herself for missing so many signs.
“I have to go.” He sounded almost panicked.
“Breathe, Ren. Breathe.”
She heard his shaky exhale of breath as she let out one of her own.
“You’re going to be just fine.”
“Stop being so grabby,” Judith said to Justin as they sat at the lunch table two weeks before senior prom.
“I’m not being grabby; I’m showing my appreciation.”
“You’ll appreciate me not castrating you. Don’t grab my ass like that again.”
“Fine, shesh, lighten up, Jude.”
“Oh, I’m light. Hello, Trina.”
Katrina smiled at the two of them, quite the oddball couple with Justin’s antics and Judith’s no bullshit ways. She gave them a total of two months before the finally official couple were broken up, and hopefully she wouldn’t lose a friend over it.
Wait, was Judith her friend?
Was she anyone’s actual friend?
“Where’s your other half?” Judith asked her, and Katrina smiled.