Page 88 of Broken
The silence between them stretched as Katrina’s eyes dropped to his lips then back up at him.
“I understand,” she said, and exhaled as the weight dropped from her shoulders. “I understand.”
“Thank you.” His words were barely above a whisper and his eyes dropped to their joined hands. “Trina, I—”
“Dude!” Justin barged into the office, his smile overjoyed. “The floors, man! They’re awesome!”
Lorenzo dropped her hand as he turned to Justin, his easygoing grin back in place. “Just like I wanted. Just like...dude, I think I found a sound man.”
“No shit?”
“No shit.”
“I’ll just...clean my stuff up here,” Katrina said, and as she turned towards her presentation, Lorenzo touched her arm sending a shockwave straight through her.
“Wait...can you? For just a minute?”
“Look at what my sis cooked up for you,” Justin continued as he walked further in. “You outdid yourself, Trina.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
“Did Judith see this?” Justin asked, and before she could tell him yes, he was calling out across the bar, “Jude! Come look at this! Yeah,” he turned back to Lorenzo, “I was thinking we could all hit up that diner down the road together. A little celebration over dinner because I’m starving and it’s close. Is it any good?”
Lorenzo nodded. “Yeah, sounds good. Could you give us a minute?”
“What did you interrupt now?” Judith asked as she appeared in the doorway. “Out, you,” she said to her husband.
“What? I was just—”
“Out,” Judith said again, tugging on his shirtsleeve.
“Fine. But hurry! Like I said, I am starving.”
“You always are,” Lorenzo said before shutting the door and turning back to Trina.
“Ren, I—”
“Have dinner with me.”
“Yeah, that’s what we’re doing.”
“No, I’m not talking about tonight,” he continued, taking a step forward, into her space. “Tomorrow. You and me.”
“Are you...Ren, are you asking me out on a date?”
He let out a short laugh and messed up the back of his hair before answering. “Maybe? That depends.”
“On if you see it that way.”
She swallowed as she felt those damn butterflies turn into a whirling tornado in the pit of her stomach.
Finally, she smiled. “Yes.”