Page 9 of Broken
“He followed his dream,” Justin added.
“Yeah. Yeah, he sure did.”
“And whenever this Martin person is free, he’s going to call.”
“Martin.” Katrina picked up the notebook, the one with her name and number inside, and flipped through the pages until she found what she was looking for. “This... it might be a home number, or it might be a cell. But you can try it.”
“You’re not in any shape to, that’s for damn sure.”
“You state the obvious.”
“As always.”
“It’s okay, Trina. I’ve got this.” He held out the pinky of his free hand. “Pinky swear.”
She bit back another sob as she locked pinkies with him. “Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He sat back as he pushed the call button on his phone to try the other number. “Shit. Straight to voicemail.” He began pushing other buttons on his phone as he squinted at the poorly designed card.
“What are you doing?”
“It’s only 30 minutes or so from here.”
“And this Martin needs to know his boss is out of commission.”
“Oh, no you don’t,” she said as she stood. “I need you.”
“That’s why you’re coming with me.”
Katrina and Justinlocked up their bikes at the park near the beginning of the running trail. “Did you get them?” Katrina asked.
“Me? I thought you... I’m kidding.” He grinned after Katrina shot a glare in his direction. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the inside pocket of his jean jacket. “Why do you think I’m wearing this thing in the heat?”
“Don’t be an ass.”
“Aren’t I always? No, wait, don’t answer.”
Katrina laughed as she began first with a quick walk, then a steady jog on the path.
“We aren’t seriously running today, are we?” Justin kept pace with her, the cigarettes hidden in his jacket pocket again.
“Just until we’re in the woods.”
“This is a really creepy running path, by the way.”
“Which is why Mom insists I take you with me. As if you’ll keep me out of trouble.”
“Hey, the baseball training has me lifting weights.”
“Doesn’t make you a badass or anything.”
“Sure, it does. Speaking of badass, I hear our football team has one hell of a blocker. They’re even thinking of moving him to varsity.”