Page 33 of Omega Embraced
But fate?
Suddenly, we didn’t have to choose.
This time, as he drew me in closer, I tilted my head back, letting my lips meet his.
She tasted like salt tears,like peaches and caramel and black coffee, and as her mouth opened under mine, she tasted like home. Like forever.
I hadn’t told her; I hadn’t wanted to scare her away with the possibility offateanddestinyandforever, whenbutterfliesandtodayand, yes,tomorrowhad seemed like enough for me. But, I realized as her tongue swiped at my lower lip and the taste of peaches burst on my tongue, I had made the very same mistake I hated so much: why had I thought she wouldn’t want to know, when it always frustrated me when my family did the same thing to me? I would never,never, do it to Ella, ever again. Starting now.
“I want to give you those things you want,” I whispered, after our lips parted. I bent close to her, our foreheads touching. “A lover, and a family, and a pack, and–and children.” Truth–and it was the truth, I knew, desperately, achingly–was one thing, but the serious expression on her face had me scrambling to at least lighten the mood. “And family dinners, although I can’t promise you you won’t grow to hate them as much as I do.”
“You don’t,” she whispered back. A slight smile cracked her solemn face.
“You’re right, I don’t. I love them. You know why? Because even when they drive me crazy, when they don’t tell me shit, even when they treat me like I’m still a child, they’re myfamily.Mypack.And they’re yours, too:yourfamily,yourpack. That’s how this works, this whole true mates thing. It’s us, forever, and my family too, if you’ll have them.” Her eyes were closed, damp eyelashes fanned against her cheeks, and I knew she, too, was feeling the sparks that jumped between us everywhere we touched: our foreheads, our hands. “And if you don’t want to be mated, not yet, maybe not ever, that’s okay, too. I understand, and they will, too. If you want to stay on suppressants, and never have a–a heat, that’s fine. I know my family is probably not what you expected your future to look like, but–”
“I never–” she paused, looking up at me. “I never thought–” My hands were closed tightly with hers, our fingers interlaced, but I disentangled them to wipe the tears from her cheeks, rubbing my thumbs against her skin, cupping her face in my hands. “Forever hasn’t meant that much, in my life.” She brought her hands up to my jaw, mirroring my touch. “I never thought I could ask for that–forforever.But… I want that. I want forever–as much of it as I can get–with you.”
“Yes, Ella, yes,anything,” I said, my lips against hers, unable to keep myself from kissing her. My Ella. My mate.
“And them, too. Your brothers, and Margaret, and Rose, and Asterid. And…” she trailed off.
“And Ella Junior?” My stomach did a flip-flop at the words, but the feeling was one of excitement, not nerves, and the smile on her face as she nodded mirrored the way I felt exactly.
I had been searching for purpose, for meaning that I had never found in my business. In my money, my millions, sitting next to my share of my father’s in an account I never even looked at. I had found it in Ella. In the promise of a future with her as my mate, my wife, the mother of my children. The children I would love, would give my everything to, just as I would give those things to her. “I want that, too, Ella.” I said, the squeeze of my heart in my chest audible in my strained voice. “Forever. As much as I can get.”
* * *
This time, when we fell into my bed in the townhouse, it was with the late-afternoon sunlight streaming through the window, glazing Ella’s smooth skin in golden light, her blonde hair glowing white. “Charlie,” she whispered, as she sank down onto my cock, sheathing me in her body. I closed my eyes, feeling her around me: her tightness and her heat, yes, but also the sparks that jumped between our skin: her palms flat against my chest, the press of her calves on either side of my thighs as she moved above me, the muscles of her ass as I held her even closer, rocking up into her. “Alpha,” she said, and my eyes snapped open, only to see her smirking down at me.
“Omega,” I replied, but it came out as a moan. I brought my hands up, skimming across her flat stomach, and up to her breasts. She shivered as my thumbs flicked across her pink nipples, and I said it again: “omega.”
She arched her back, pushing her breasts into my hands, and I squeezed them, watching the soft flesh dimple under my fingertips, wondering that someday–someday soon, by the sound of it–they would be full and ripe and sweet with milk. By the reaction she had as I tweaked her nipples, clenching down on my cock, letting out a sweet moan, she was thinking the same thing.Fuck.My balls drew up, ready to release already, and I pulled her up and off of my cock, flipping her over so she lay spread out beneath me.
The words I had been meaning to say were startled out of me by the sight of her, pink-cheeked and perfect on my pillow: “I love you, Ella.”
She smiled. “Now isn’t really the time, is it?”
“It’s the perfect time,” I said, mildly offended. “I–I wanted to tell you, earlier, but…”
“You thought you would wait until you were balls deep?”
“I’m not–” I laughed, unable to stop myself. “I’m notballs deep.” I pressed the head of my cock between her wet, pink folds, watching her eyes dilate, hearing her soft exhale as I eased my shaft into her, sinking home once again. “Now,” I said, “I’m balls deep. I love you, Ella,” I confirmed.
“Charlie,” she groaned, as I circled my hips against hers. “Fuck, keep doing that.”
I grinned. I would.
I had warned him–Iwanted it. I wanted his bite, his mark, and everything that it meant. The unbreakable promise of forever. If he wasn’t ready–after all, it had been, what, three weeks and two dates?–I understood, but… I also understood now that I didn’t have to wait in fear for the day he changed his mind: we werefated.
And I wanted thematespart now, too, please.
The feel of Charlie’s cock, unforgivingly hard under the silk of his skin, made me regret waiting eventhislong to feel it moving inside me. He pulled out, so the thick head was just teasing at my entrance, and I watched the muscles of his chest move under his skin as he pressed back in, my slick easing his passage. He fit within me perfectly, just this side of too big, stretching me tight around him, and I moaned as I remembered there was more to come.
My hands gripped his biceps, one on either side of my head as he thrust. I turned to kiss one of them, then lifted my head slightly, pulling him down into me with my legs and planting an open mouth kiss on his shoulder. It tasted of sweat, and musk, and juniper, and Alpha.Charlie.