Page 41 of Omega Embraced
Among the piles of cotton, still faintly smelling of baby powder and detergent, with the photo of my dad looking down from Anna’s vanity mirror… I felt likemylife, not just the life inside me, was only now beginning.
Ella collapsedinto a living room chair immediately upon her return to the townhouse.
“How was Editor Stevens? How are you doing?” I asked, as I watched her pry off first one shoe, then the other.
“Fine, except that I can barely reach my feet. She agreed, so that’s all settled.Don’t–” she warned, as I took a step closer, “don’toffer to take my shoes off. Icanstill do it by myself.” She frowned, then fluttered her lashes playfully at me. “Although I can not imagine standing up right now, and I really need some water.”
“You two snuggle, I got it!” came the cheerful sound of Rose from the kitchen, and we both jumped.
“When did Rose get here?” Ella asked, and I shook my head.
“I didn’t know she was,” I said, shrugging and Ella rolled her eyes fondly. “Good thing you were just thirsty, and not…” I raised my eyebrows suggestively, making Ella blush. Ella had been incredible during her pregnancy so far. The hardest part, for me, was… somewhat literal. The way her body had changed, growing round and full, had both of us spending more time than usual in the bedroom. And the living room. And the kitchen. Whatever pregnancy was doing to Ella’s libido… I wanted her to be pregnantall the time. And even if I didn’tintendto keep her pregnant forever, it would be damn hard to avoid: it wasn’t just Ella whose libido was affected by her pregnancy. I had known my mate–my fiancee–was beautiful, but my cock had never,neverbeen more insistent about the fact than during the last six months. If the brainless thing kept acting like this, then, well…
Rose entered from the kitchen with a huge glass of ice water with a cute pink paper straw.
“For the lady and her baby… girl?” she asked, hopefully. I caught my mate’s eye over the rim of the glass and smiled.
“I can neither confirm nor deny,” Ella said, taking a sip and sighing. “So stop trying, Rose.”
“Margaret and Asterid are on their way over,” the other omega said, and I watched as Ella’s face lit up at the prospect of spending time with the pack’s other omegas. “And hey, we’re all getting brunch tomorrow before heading to Anna’s, right?”
“Please, Rose, promise me you won’t let me get eggsandpancakes again. I swear, there is literally no room for it. Even if it looks tempting on the menu, I physically cannot fit both inside my stomach. It’s totally squished.”
Rose wrinkled her nose but smirked, plopping on the couch besides my mate. “I can’t make any such promises. Besides, protein and carbs are both essential nutrients for growing a baby…boy?”
“Nice try,” I said, as Ella giggled into her water glass. “Don’t you have a period piece to be queuing up? I’ll send Ella up with Asterid and Margaret when they get here.”
Rose arched her eyebrows, looking between the pair of us, but stood and sauntered away upstairs.
“Always at my fucking house,” I murmured, sinking into the indent on the couch that Rose had vacated. “You would think they all lived here.”
“Ourhouse,” Ella said, leaning close, resting her head on my shoulder. “And you’ll be thankful for the help, soon enough, when the babies are born. And remember what we said about swearing, Charlie.”
“Always atour…stinkinghouse,” I corrected.
“You don’t think Rose would peek in the nursery, do you?” she said, attempting to sit up.
If she did, she’d be surprised by what she found: two cribs, two teddy bears. Two blankets, one pink, one blue.
“I locked it,” I said, and Ella laughed.
“Good thinking. She’s persistent.”
“She’s excited. They all are.”
“Not as excited as me,” Ella said, shifting her weight so she was curled into my side, her belly–the roundness containing our children–snug between us. “I want to meet them.”
“You just want them out.”
“My backiskilling me,” she huffed. “But… no, I just want to meet them. Get to know the new additions to our family.”
I did too. I looked forward to the sleepless nights, the newborn cries, the endless diapers–I had a purpose again, in fatherhood. Even now, with months to go, it seemed like there were so many things to do: setting up the nursery, and getting all the paperwork ready–why did babies necessitate so much paperwork?–and taking care of Ella, and…
“You don’t think we have time for a quick stop in the bedroom, do you?” Ella asked, heaving herself over my lap, her belly between us as she lowered her head to kiss me softly. My hands gripped her round ass through her jeans. I could smell the sweetness of her arousal, the caramel drowning out her fresh peach, and below it, the rich, milky scent of her pregnancy. I sucked her lower lip into my mouth, biting down before letting it go, pink and wet and kiss-swollen.
“Probably not–” I sighed, as her hands slid from my shoulders to my chest. My jeans were uncomfortably tight, the zipper digging into my shaft. “But–”