Page 6 of Owned by the Club
“Yeah, sweetheart, whatever you say. Unless you can come up with the money this place is going to be closed down, and my own dream will take its place.”
“You’re going to get your money. You’re not having my shop.” If she didn’t get the money back for the loan, she’d have no choice but to hand the shop over to Peter, and he’d put some disgusting thing in its place. She didn’t know what, but she knew he would.
He placed a hand on her shoulder, and all she felt was revulsion. She hated his touch. “You know, stop being a pain in my ass, and I may even let you work for me. Some men would dig your hot little ass.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Many women have used their bodies to get what they want. I simply make sure I take a piece of the pie they offer me.”
“I’m not working for you.” She pulled away from him. “I’ve still got time to find the money, and I have a plan.”
Storming up the steps, she opened the door, and slammed it closed. There were a couple of customers who nodded in her direction. She frowned.
She’d closed the shop to go and see the Old Boyz.
There, behind the counter, she saw Joe, her best friend in the whole wide world. He was painting his nails, and his hair was in roll ups. She didn’t have a clue what he was doing there seeing as she’d had no choice but to let him go. Firing him was the last thing she ever wanted to do, but she’d done it with her best friend.
“Joe, what are you doing here?” she asked.
“I saw the place was closed, and there’s no way you’re going to get ahead on this loan unless you open up and sell books. Don’t they teach you that in college?” he asked, rolling his eyes.
“I can’t pay you.”
“Babe, no one can afford me. As it is, I’m working for free, and you can tell me why your hot little ass was at a certain bar with five hunky men with a good reputation?”
She removed her jacket, and went into the back, firing up the kettle. “Good reputation?”
“Anyone with a bad reputation is the best kind if you ask me.”
“Did you even hear me? I can’t pay you?”
“So? I don’t need the money. I’m not strapped for cash, and I’m going to help my girl.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t even know if I can be helped.”
“And why can’t you be helped?” he asked.
She released a sigh, handing him the card.
“You went to Pops and his clan?” Joe asked.
She looked around the shop, seeing no one was paying either of them any attention. “And the deal is they’ll pay my debt, providing I get in bed with them.”
“In bed?”
“With Pops?”
“No, with all five of them.”
Joe stared at her for a second, and she wondered if he was judging her, thinking she was nothing but a slut, or a potential slut. Could she do it? She wanted to. That was the worst—she wanted to, more than anything craved the feel of all five men surrounding her. Did that make her a slut? She’d gladly take the title. Each of the Old Boyz had a charm about them, and she wanted to explore each and every one of them.
“Oh, you lucky girl,” Joe said, surprising her.