Page 6 of Deviant Bastards
When I sent Barker over there this morning, I knew that there was no way Grayson was going to admit that the Warriors were behind the attack on my father. In fact, the bastard actually had the balls to offer to help us discover the truth of whatreallyhappened. As if I would trust him again. Barker came back and relayed what Grayson had said. He also told me that Harley was still staying with her father. That’s when we made our plan; take her, and use her as leverage to get her father to admit that he killed my dad. Our plan was made even easier when a grunt spotted her at Club Ivy and called us. We rushed over there so we wouldn’t lose the opportunity. I grab my mobile phone from my desk and dial Lee’s number.
“Kendric, buddy. What can I do for ya?” is the first thing he asks when he picks up the line. I tell him everything, and he laughs when I inform him that we have Harley in our possession. “That’s fucking genius. Taking away his heir, the princess? Damn, dude, why didn’t I think of that. She’s a fine piece of arse too, I’ll give you that. So, what are you going to do with her?” Listening to the way he talks about Harley has the hair on the back of my neck standing on edge, and my blood turns into frozen sludge within my veins.This fucker wants her for himself, shit!I hang up the phone before he says anything else.Well, there goes that fucking plan.I launch my phone across the room and watch as it breaks into pieces. “Fuck!” I yell into the empty room.Now, what the fuck am I going to do?
Gadge and Gryffin burst in the door. “Everything okay, Ric?” they ask in unison. Those two might not be related by blood, but fuck me, it’s scary the way that they both know exactly what the other is going to say. I tell them about my call with Lee, and I watch as they both grow angrier with every word I say.
Their faces pinch and the vein in Gadge’s neck twitches as Gryffin balls his hands into fists. “That piece of shit. We can’t involve him now.” Gryffin says as he pulls another phone from his pocket and hands it to me. I shake my head before saying, “We need a new plan.” They both nod their agreement as Gadge closes the door, and they both take seats on the opposite side of my desk. We begin to make a new plan and agree that it’s better to wait until Harley wakes up before we contact her piece of shit father. “Barker’s guarding Spitfire,” Gadge says as he pushes up from his seat. “And I told him to watch out for when she wakes up.” He says with a chuckle as both he and Gryffin leave my office. It pisses me off that two of my guys have given the prisoner nicknames. I just hope that they remain focused on our goal, otherwise, we’re fucked. Switching on the monitor that rests upon my desk, a view of the basement flickers to life and fills the screen. She’s still out cold, but she should be waking up any minute now.
* * *
The Little Brawler is still passed out, the chloroform having done its job better than I expected. I guess Gryffin must have put too much on the cloth, knocking her out andkeepingher knocked out. Ric said that she would be ready for a fight when she wakes up, but I doubt that someone as tiny as her could take down someone of my size. Then again, given who her father is and the fact that she was able to break my fucking nose, I suppose anything is possible.
She looks like she’s around five foot three and has a body that could stop a truck. She has curves in all the right places, along with a small waist. She felt good in my arms earlier. In fact, she felt a little too good, and I had to think of other things to stop my dick from jumping out of my trousers. Her long, chestnut brown hair felt thick and soft against my fingertips, and I wanted nothing more than to wrap it around my fist as I fucked her. And her lips! Ugh, those luscious lips have been taunting me all night. Even in her sleep, they fall into a natural pout, making me think that there would be no better view than my dick sliding home between them.Fuck!
Willing my dick to chill the fuck out, I close the door on the Little Brawler and walk into the coms’ room. This is Gadge’s domain with wall to wall of fucking computer screens and cameras that cover every inch of the safe house and its grounds. He currently has a screen open, using the camera in the basement to broadcast an image of our prisoner lying on the bed, along with the area around it.
“She’s coming around,” Gadge says, pointing at the screen, and sure enough, she starts to slowly wake up. She looks groggy, her movements slow and sluggish as she begins to try and figure out where she is. Once she realises that she’s not in familiar surroundings, her face changes, and she loses all the colour in her gorgeous face. Her hazel eyes begin to fill with tears, but before they can fall, she swipes a hand down her face. I watch with fascination as a mask of determination descends over her features. That’s when the fun really begins as she jumps off the bed and starts banging her tiny fists against the door while screaming.
“You got the sound on?” I ask Gadge. After a few seconds, her rage filled voice fills the room. “Lee, you son of a bitch, get your fucking arse in here now!”Ah, so that’s who she thinks is holding her, good for us.I share a loaded look with Gadge, and he nods. He’s clearly thinking the same thing I am, and we both agree to let her think she is being held by the Assassins.
“I swear to God, you coward, you better get in here right now. Don’t you know what my father is going to do to you wh-”She continues on her little tirade, but I can’t hear anymore because Gadge has turned the sound back off. “I’ll go let Ric know that she’s awake and who she thinks is currently holding her. See what he wants us to do. You good here?” I ask him, even though I know that he was due to take over from me soon anyway. I can see how guilty he feels knowing that he’s what led to her being trapped here with us. Although, if he hadn’t volunteered to play Ric, then I would have.
“Yeah, I got it.” He says as he turns back to watch the cameras once more. I leave him to it and go in search of the boss. I find him in his office, sitting behind his desk. He looks like shit. “She’s awake,” I say as I approach him. He looks up from his phone and nods. “Did you set the meeting with Lee?” I ask him, and he shakes his head. “Nah, that call didn’t go right, so I hung up on him. The arsehole can go fuck himself. We will figure this out, our way.”
I tell him that Harley thinks it’s Lee who’s holding her, and his response is almost instant. “Good. Don’t let anything slip when you’re on guard. I want her to continue to think it’s Lee that has her, at least until I’m ready for her to know otherwise.” The savage grin that spread across his face creeps even me out, sending the feeling of a million ants burrowing into my skin throughout my body. Ever since his dad was killed, Ric has grown from your average bastard to a psychotic killer. Hell, he slaughtered Aarron, the unfortunate guy who was supposed to be guarding his father. The poor family had to have a closed casket at his funeral because the unlucky fucker’s face had been beaten to a bloody pulp, and there was no way to fix it. I’ve never seen that side of him before, and honestly, it scared the shit out of me and the others.
We understood his anger, but... there were better ways of dealing with that situation. All he kept saying at the time was that we didn’t understand. He forgets his father didn’t only raise him; he gave the rest of us a home and a family too. My own parents kicked me out the second I turned sixteen. They never liked Ric, and my dad loathed Marcus along with everything that he stood for. What my old man never understood was that sometimes in life, you had to pick a side, and then he chose to turn his back on me because of the side I decided to stand on. I shake my thoughts off and turn back to Ric. I’m about to ask him what he wants us to do about food when his office door bursts open.
“Uh, Boss?” The grunt who got Aarron’s position says from the doorway. The sad sap looks about ready to piss his pants. Ric just glares at him, waiting for him to say whatever the fuck it was that he came in here to say. “She’s broke her hand. Dayton told me to come let you know.”
“Fuck,” Ric and I groan at the same time. “Well, this is gonna be fun, just leave her be for a little bit.”
“Man, she broke her hand. At least let me go in there and make sure that it’s not completely fucked up. She could end up with permanent damage if we leave it for too long.” I plead with him because, after all, we’re not total bastards.
“I said fucking leave her,” he growls at me as he paces the room.
“For fuck’s sake, Ric, see some sense, would ya?” I try again to reason with him. The fucker throws his fist out, almost catching me in the ribs.
“What the fuck, Ric?”
“Fine, go and fucking check her hand. Let me know if she needs the doc,” he grumbles as he walks behind his desk and throws himself down into his seat.
Shit, why the fuck do I always volunteer for all the fun jobs?I exit the office without a word, shoulder checking the grunt on my way past. I head back to Gadge’s cave. “Grunt said she broke her hand?” I ask him as I walk in. The first thing that I see when I look at the monitor is the mess that she’s made. Her mattress is strewn across the floor, and the bed has been launched across to the other side of the room. I quirk a brow at Gadge, who just laughs and shrugs his shoulders.
“I wasn’t going in there when she was like that. I have no interest in losing my balls.” He says with a chuckle.Yeah, I can understand that.She’s gonna be pissed as fuck as it is when she discovers who Gadge is and how she ended up here.
“Dude, and you think that I do? Ric wants me to go in there and get a look at her hand.” The fucker just grins at me but doesn’t offer to come and help. “Fuck! Guess I’m doing this solo then, huh?” She’s still screaming bloody murder, and I really don’t want to go in there. “You scared of the little Spitfire, B?”
His laughter echoes around the room as I use the side door that leads straight into the basement room, flipping him the finger as I go.
Adoor on the other side of the room opens and in walks the dude that I mistook for a wall when I ran into him at my house. The same one who caught me eye-fucking him in all his tatted-up glory. “Would you shut the fuck up,” he growls at me as he stalks closer. “What the fuck happened in here?” he asks. I watch his features change as a smug grin takes over his face. I really want to dick punch this meathead.
“Well, you see, the thing is, I don’t like being kept as a fucking prisoner. So, I decided to redecorate. What the fuck do you think happened? You egotistical bastard.” I watch as his face turns red, and his eyes fill with fury.Yes! My words hit their mark.