Page 8 of Deviant Bastards

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Page 8 of Deviant Bastards

Sleep never comes, and morning arrives too soon. Every hour that I’m here is another hour that I’m away from Ellie. There’s no clock in this room, so it’s hard to know exactly what time it is. At least there’s some sunlight coming through the small window. I glare at the camera in the corner of the room. “Kendric, you bastard. Get your fucking arse in here and face me!” I yell. I have no idea if the cameras are equipped with sound or not, but maybe if I scream loud enough, the coward will come out of hiding.

The door bounces open, and rather than it being the one person I want to see standing there, I come face to face with Barker, who just stands there, not saying anything or even moving. “Morning, sunshine. Has your mood improved since yesterday?” I ask sarcastically. The prick continues to stand in the doorway, glaring at me. “Who do I make a complaint to?” I ask with a massive grin on my face. His face pinches before he exhales a loud and heavy sigh.

“What’s your complaint, Little Brawler?” he asks as he crosses his arms and leans against the door frame. “Are your accommodations not to your liking?” he drawls. His tone is teasing but sensual, and it sends excitement zinging through me, causing my nipples to tighten while my pussy grows slick.For fuck sake’s, this is not the time for the greedy bitch to decide that she wants to fuck him.I mean, sure, he’s gorgeous, and I would like nothing more than to climb him like a tree, but I need to get my head on straight. Ineedto find a way to get the fuck out of here.

“Well,little prick. Let’s see, shall we? I’m trapped in this tiny room with very little light and nothing to do except imagine all the ways that I could kill you fuckers,” I snarl at him. The bastard looks at me and just... laughs. “Now that, I would love to see, Little Brawler.” He straightens from the door frame, entering the room only to stop and snap his fingers in front of my face.

“It has been decided. We shall change your room, if that pleases her ladyship,” he says dramatically as he continues to glare at me. I don’t miss the way his eyes roam over my body. The heat igniting in his gaze makes me squirm.What is it with these guys and the effect that they have on my body?It’s driving me nuts.

“And where will I be moving to?” I ask, planting my hands on my hips as I stare right back at him. I need to show these guys that they don’t intimidate me. The one thing that Deacon drilled into my head for years was to never show the opponent any weakness because they will use it to their advantage and use it against me. Barker struts towards the door and gestures for me to follow him.

Unlike the first time I left this room, I slowly walk out and take notice of the layout for future reference. The first thing I notice is that we are in a corridor of some sort. One path leads to the left of the basement, while another leads off to the right. Before, I was so frantic that I just ran straight, and up the stairs that are directly in front of us. This time I follow Barker up, and as we crest the top, I notice Dayton standing there waiting for us in the screen room. Wordlessly, he joins us, and the guys lead me into the main foyer of the house. The area is very large and has a grandiose feeling, with the winding staircase on my left that practically circles the entire room. The high ceilings allow me to see the second-floor landing while also hinting that it goes up another floor. My suspicion about the third floor is confirmed when they lead me up the stairs, and I get a better view. But instead of continuing up the staircase, we turn off it and walk along a hallway. We pass several doors before Barker comes to a halt outside of one that’s at the end of the hall.

“This is your new room,” he grunts as he shoves open the door. I take a step into the room, gasping at how big it is. It’s the same size as my room at home, but this one is decorated in white with lilac accents. A plush double bed practically takes up one whole side of the room. I turn to ask why I’m up here now, but I realise that the guys have left, and the door is now closed. I step towards the door, deciding to test it, to see if they have left it unlocked. I twist the knob, but the door doesn’t budge.

“No way out, Little Brawler.” Barker’s deep voice says from the other side of the door. Fuckers have locked me inside this room. I don’t know why I expected any less. They’ve already made it clear that I’m nothing more than a bargaining chip to be used against my dad.Well, if I’m stuck here, I might as well take the time to look around the room.There’s a huge walk-in closet that contains some clothes hanging up in it. All are new with the labels still on, so I assume that they were bought after I arrived. Especially since they all seem to be in my size. Next to the closet is a bathroom, complete with a claw foot tub and a separate shower too. I debate stripping off and having a bath but decide that I don’t feel safe because I know that Barker is on the other side of the bedroom door.

The door opens a few minutes later, and in walks the meathead.Think of the devil, and he shall appear.Barker fills the doorway, but he doesn’t say anything. He just stands and grins at me. “The fuck are you grinning at?” I snap at them as I plonk myself down on the bed. I try not to appreciate how comfortable it feels to be lying on an actual bed instead of a mattress on the floor. I groan as my muscles begin to relax, but I tense a moment later when I remember that I’m not alone in this room.

Barker is still silently standing by the door. “Why do both of you need to watch over little old me?” I ask as innocently as I can. Dayton chuckles from outside the room. “Well, since you broke my nose when we took you, Ric’s decided that it would be best to have two of us here at all times.”

“That’s what happens when you lay your hands on a woman without permission, dickhead. Oh yeah, and where is your master? He still too scared to face me? Oh wait, you said that it wouldn’t be worth his time to come and talk to me, didn’t you?” I mock, staring them down. Dayton glares at Barker, who just shrugs his shoulders.

“She was pissing me off. What else was I gonna say, dude?” he asks with a chuckle. This guy is giving me fucking whiplash with his damn mood changes; one minute, he acts like he hates me, and the next, he’s laughing his head off. Dayton remains silent, just watching me. It makes me sit up a little more on the bed. “Well, are you gonna stand there all day?” my tone is only slightly annoyed. Barker jerks his head to one side, and then he mumbles something to Dayton. I can’t hear the exchange because I’m too far away from them, but I strain my ears anyway, trying to catch any bit of information I can. They pause, both of them looking at me before closing and locking the door between us.

* * *


“You think she’s going stir crazy?” Barker asks because, for the last couple of hours, all we’ve heard from outside her door is her pacing from one side of the room to the other. “Probably, yeah, but what the hell can we do about it?” I ask him rhetorically. “Movie room?” he whispers. I didn’t think of that, but it’s a good idea, so I nod my head at him. He leaves me to go get everything ready while I knock on her door and wait. “Go away,” her muffled voice floats under the thick wood. I open the door and step inside. “Can’t do that, Spitfire.” She must have just thrown herself onto the bed because she’s lying face down on the bed, and I have to adjust myself as my dick jumps to attention at the sight of her glorious body.I’m so glad that she can’t see me right now.

“Wanna talk?” I ask, my voice soft as I approach the bed. She turns her head slightly and looks at me with those gorgeous eyes of hers. “Let’s see, I’m being held prisoner, fuck knows where, you guys don’t tell me shit, my friends and family are probably worried sick, and I’m bored out of my mind, anything else?” she sasses as she flips onto her back. I sigh, lying down beside her. “I’m sorry, Spitfire. You shouldn’t be here, but right now, there’s not a chance in hell that Ric will let you go,” I concede, and she sighs in defeat. “Do you know that I’ve known Ric since I was twelve years old?” she asks. “Yeah, I do. I remember Ric used to always come home pissed off after his dad had been to yours for a meeting with your father,” I tell her honestly. I used to find it amusing that Ric would watch her from the shadows, getting all pissed off that Deacon was teaching her shit. He used to say that she shouldn’t need to be shown how to defend herself; that she should be so well protected that she would never be in a situation where she would need that knowledge. And yet, had she not been shown, then she would have been completely defenseless against us and wouldn’t have been able to break Barker’s nose.

“Pissed off, why?” she asks as she turns on her side to face me. I take a moment to truly appreciate how beautiful she looks lying next to me with her hair splayed out across the bed. She looks too enticing from this angle. “Because he didn’t think that you should have been taught self-defense. He felt like your father’s men should have been enough to protect you,” I state. She mutters something under her breath about how they weren’t able to protect her, but I don’t press her on the matter. I’m sure that she will tell us if and when she’s ready.

We lie there in companionable silence. I look over to see a sad look on her face, so I ask, “What are you thinking about, Spitfire?”

She takes a deep breath before answering, acting like it’s some huge secret. “Well, I was just thinking about all the things I’ve missed out on in life,” she tells me.

“Like what?” I question.

“Like... I’ve never been on a date. My father wouldn’t allow it,” she says softly.

“Never?” I ask because it seems a little strange that she’s never been on a date. She shakes her head at me. “Not even once?” I press again.

“Nope,” she says, popping the p. “I have an over-protective bodyguard remember,” she chuckles. “Deacon wouldn’t let anyone near me, especially...” She stops mid-sentence, unshed tears shining in her eyes before she turns away from me.

“I’m sorry,” she sadly whispers. I wrap my body around hers, my arms snaking over her hips and hugging her close to me to comfort her. “It’s okay now. I got you.” I whisper in her ear, and her body relaxes into my touch. Seconds later, she wiggles that plump ass against my quickly hardening cock. A growl rumbles from deep within my chest, but she doesn’t stop. She knows exactly what she’s doing.Two can play at that game!

My hands slide over her waist, pausing momentarily, and then move up her tits. I cup them as I feel her nipples pebble under my touch.“Such a responsive little thing, aren’t you?” I murmur as I roll one of her nipples between my fingers. I spin her around to face me and capture her lips in a searing kiss, wasting no time in removing the top that she’s wearing. I pull her bra down to reveal her gorgeous tits.

Pulling one nipple into my mouth, I suck and lick until she’s breathing heavy beside me, then I do the same to the other one. My hand slides down her abdomen, and she moans under my touch, which makes my dick harder than fucking steel. A rapid sequence of knocks on the door brings us out of our little bubble.

“Fuck!” I hiss under my breath which makes her chuckle beside me. I watch as she pulls her bra and top back on. “To be continued,” I say as I get up from the bed and adjust my dick. I open the door to see Barker’s smug grin on the other side. “Having fun?” the fucker taunts, chuckling happily to himself.

* * *


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