Page 10 of Her Alien Ghost (Monster Bites 2)
The fire is again lit and crackling and the candelabra glows on the table. My female steps out of the restroom, dressed in what I assume is sleep-clothing. There is less fabric on her than last night and I can see more of her luscious curves. She settles into the bed, just like she did before.
And then I fully materialize at the foot of her bed, in the exact same position as before, hoping this will cause less surprise than last night.
My plan works.
Because this time she looks at me and does not scream. Instead, a bright smile spreads across her beautiful features. “Aaah, there you are. I was waiting for you.”
My jaw drops open because she speaks in perfect Hyrrokin, with a slight, charming accent. “How are you able to speak my language?” I ask.
“I had a Hyrrokin translation chip inserted this afternoon.”
“You did?” I step forward, wanting to sweep this female into my arms. “When did this happen? I was with you all day today. I did not see you receive a chip.”
“You were with me all day? Oh, I thought so. It was as if I could sense you nearby. I could smell you.”
I grin. “You scented me?”
“Uh huh, you smell really good.”
I step closer. “When did you get this chip inserted?”
“Oh, I got a new language chip when I went out of the front gate. I had to go outside because the Gravians are too scared to come inside. Someone arrived from the transporter station to administer the chip. I guess it was literally the only Hyrrokin language chip they had on the entire planet. Not many beings on Salo ever ask for that particular language.”
I nod in agreement and my shoulders soften. “You did that just so we could communicate?”
“Yes, of course I did. I really, really wanted to be able to talk to you. It was terrible last night, sensing you needed help but not knowing what you were trying to say. Now explain to me how it’s happened that everyone out there, and all the Gravians you’ve ever met, think you’re a ghost, or at the very least a demon. But I think you are a real live being who had some sort of mishap? Who is right?”
I laugh because it sounds so ridiculous when said out loud. “You are correct. I’m not a devil but instead a Hyrrokin who had a mishap. To be a ghost I’d have to be dead, but I am most certainly alive.”
She looks visibly relieved. “Oh, thank gods.”
I cannot keep this grin off my face. This human is delightful. I move over and sit down next to her, on my side of the bed. “What is your name, human?”
She turns toward me. “Oh, I’m Emma. My name is Emma Lavigne.”
“Emma,” I say, testing out the sound of her name. I like it. “I cannot believe you can understand me. I’ve tried to communicate with many other Gravians, to no avail. This is the first time I’ve had a conversation with another live being in almost a year.”
“Oh no. When you were trying to speak to me last night you just sounded like snarls and growls to my human ears. Maybe it’s shrieks and wails to Gravian ears? How were you able to speak to anyone when you first arrived on Salo?”
“I had a universal translation chip when I first arrived, but it is broken now.”
Her eyes widen. “Wow, that’s fancy. Are you rich?”
“No. I had a job that necessitated that type of chip.” I want to put my arm around her and pull her into my side, but I’m not sure if she’s ready for that yet so I keep my claws to myself. “There was an accident and now I am doomed to stay within the walls of this castle. I am phased out during the day, but I am able to retain my solid form during the night. I team of scientists had set up a lab here, in the basement. They were experimenting on increasing the output of their device when it caused a concentrated radial blast. I was at the exact epicenter of the event, directly next to the device when it happened. Everyone else was partially dissolved. My security team, and the scientists, all died, but I am very much alive. But I am fixed in this partially phased state and cannot get out of it.”
“I am sorry for your loss and for what happened to you. But I am happy to hear there really is a scientific explanation for the reason why you appear often as a ghost.” She reaches out and takes my claw in her palm and runs her tiny thumb over my rough, red hands. “How do you eat?” she asks with concern.
“I hunt every night. I’ve set traps. And there are many trees in the back garden that still produce fruit.”
She smiles. “I’m happy to hear you haven’t been starving and that you’re able to take care of yourself.”
“Can I hold you?” I ask, scenting her arousal in the air. She is unmated and she still wants me, even after learning that I am a being who isn’t entirely corporeal each diurnal. “I need to touch you. I promise I will only put my arms around you. Nothing will happen unless you want it.”
“Y…yes. I would like it if you held me.”