Page 17 of Twisted
Chapter 11
As I wait for Katherine, I think about what she said earlier. Everybody has dreams, we all want the fairy-tale, men included. What I’m starting to realize is that my life is as empty as fuck and having her around is satisfying in so many ways.
Normally it’s just me and the Baxters and the endless work I bring home. When I want company, I have a little black book bursting with willing companions. However, I’d burn that book in a heartbeat if it meant Katherine would stay.
The thought hits me like a thunderbolt. How has this happened? I’ve never been interested in seeing the same woman twice, let alone considering a lifetime with them. But as she walks into the room, everything slots into place. She sets my soul on fire and my heart beats faster just from one look from those gorgeous eyes. She is strong, beautiful and brave with the most wicked wit and sense of humor. I can’t believe it but I think I’m falling in love with this amazing woman, which makes everything suddenly so much harder.
I look at her and smile appreciatively.
“You look amazing, Katherine.”
She blushes self-consciously. “Oh, you know, just something I threw on.”
I laugh softly because she looks like a supermodel on a runway. Her dress is the deepest red and clings to her curves and ripples as she moves. The silk fabric begs to be caressed and the jewels around her neck glitter in the firelight. Her long, dark hair, gleams as it falls to her shoulders, and her painted red lips beg for my attention. She walks with a slight wiggle and every step she takes reinforces my decision. When this is over - we begin. She doesn’t know it yet, but Katherine Rogers is going nowhere without me by her side.
I hold out my hand and feel the soft skin of her hand close around mine. It feels natural and the perfect fit. Two hands joined as one with a common goal. Freedom.
We head out to the car and once again sit in a companionable silence as we contemplate the evening ahead. Grady Vincent is about to take a mighty fall, and I must protect this woman with everything I’ve got. We can carry out this mission without compromising Katherine in the process. My mind has been working hard ever since I met her to work out a way of keeping her safe. I’m almost there and she won’t worry about a thing.
* * *
The theater isalive with the rich and privileged beating a trail to its doors. Glamorous women and smart men mix with general members of the public on a night out. I recognize many familiar faces and the journey to our seats will be a long one.
I don’t miss the predatory glances from the women and the lust-filled ones from the men as they view the beautiful woman by my side. I side-step many a conversation as there is only one man we want.
I guide Katherine upstairs to the boxes reserved for the elite. Grady always uses the same one, the one closest to the stage and yet set back in the shadows. Nobody can see what goes on, which is just the way he likes it. He has an understanding with the staff and pays them to deactivate the CCTV in that particular box. He desires privacy for depravity, but this time the staff owe someone more powerful than him.
Ryder has arranged for the cameras to be trained on that particular box the entire night and nobody would dare go against him. It’s my job to give them some privacy and watch from the control room. When the moment comes, I’ll interrupt the proceedings and save my woman from the creep it contains.
I can tell that Katherine’s nervous beside me as I feel her hand grip mine tightly. She walks with a confidence she doesn’t feel, but to everyone else, she is poised and elegant and so darn sexy it hurts to look at her.
I feel proud walking with her by my side and have to steel my heart for the night ahead. Then I see him. Senator Grady Vincent. First class asshole and most despicable man I know.
Here goes.
I think I know it’s him before we’re even introduced. I look at the small, rather tubby man before me with the cold, mean eyes. I watch as the interest sparks in them as he sees us approach.
He is talking with a group of people who obviously have way more money than taste. The men are dressed smartly enough but have that air surrounding them of self-satisfaction and supremacy. The women are made up to the extreme and have obviously kept the plastic surgeons in Ferraris for another year. In total, the whole group seems fake and I feel the disgust flooding through my veins.
Then he sees us and I feel torn apart by just one look from him. I grip Sam’s hand a little tighter and set my mask of disinterest in place.
The group turn to look at us and the men stand straighter and hold in their stomachs and the women pout and preen and flash availability messages to Sam.
Grady smiles creepily and shouts, “Sam Carrington. It’s good to see you, son. Who’s this delightful creature on your arm tonight? She must be new in town or I’d know about it.”
Sam looks at him with a blank expression. “Grady, it’s good to see you. Gentlemen, ladies, may I introduce Katherine Rogers?”
Grady approaches and does that kiss thing three times. Every kiss lingers just a little too long, and I feel the shiver run down my spine. Ugh, disgusting.
The women look at me coldly and I’m interested to see who Grady is accompanying tonight. Not his wife, that’s for sure. This woman looks like the sort that would charge by the hour. She giggles as she makes eyes at Sam and I instantly feel like slapping her face—hard.
Grady grins. “Well, you must join me in my box.”
He holds up his hand. “No, I won’t take no for an answer. We have plenty of room and it would be disagreeable of me not to share when it’s such a fine position.”