Page 31 of Break a King (Five Kings 3)
I’m curious as to what my father wants. We don’t do the father son conversations—ever. This is unusual and is the only reason I’m here at all.
Even Adam looks surprised, and as we make ourselves comfortable in my father’s den, we wait for him to speak with an air of anticipation that surprises me.
For the first time, I note how weary he looks. Much older somehow, and that shocks me. He seems a shadow of his usual self and I wonder if he’s about to tell us that he’s not got long to live. It certainly feels that way as he sinks back in his chair and appears to struggle to find words.
Adam looks worried and says quickly, “What’s up, something bad has happened, hasn’t it?”
Dad looks at Adam and exhales sharply. “There’s no easy way to say this but I’m preparing you both.”
“For what?” I let Adam speak because I can’t form words right now because as much as I distance myself from my family, it’s not because of this man looking so worried it makes me sit up and take note.
“Ok, I’ll just come right out and say it. I’m leaving your mother.”
The silence is tangible and so I say with interest, “Does she know?”
Adam looks shocked, but I almost want to shake my father’s hand and congratulate him.
“Why?” Adam’s voice is hurt and confused, which amuses me a little because he never shows emotion and always prides himself on knowing everything before I do.
“I’ve met someone else and to be honest she’s been in my life for the past ten years, I just never made the break.”
“Then why now?”
Adam looks as if he’s about to stab my father with his letter opener, so I quickly take charge of the conversation.
“Because I’ve had enough of living a lie. We all know how difficult your mother can be. How abrasive and cold and I can’t remember a time when she wasn’t. I began an affair with Constance, my assistant, almost as soon as she started working for me which has kept me sane all these years, and I spend more time with her than anyone. I’m afraid I have stopped wanting to do the right thing and want to live while I still can and end my days as happy ones. Every time I return here, I am faced with nothing but a cold woman who never learned how to love life.”
I almost wish I could tell my mother myself and stick around to watch her perfect world crumble, but instead I say blankly, “Then I wish you well.”
My father looks so grateful it almost causes a little emotion to shift inside me, but Adam isn’t feeling as generous and says bitterly, “You fucking coward. How dare you sit there and tell us you’re about to ruin our mom’s life for a common whore?”
Dad jumps up furiously and I say icily, “You would say that, Adam, you wouldn’t know happiness if it came up and introduced itself to you. You spend most of your days playing the dutiful son and whoring around the city with any woman who will let you. I’ve heard the tales of your depraved tastes and the litter of sperm you’re leaving across the city. You don’t get to judge anyone when your own morals are decidedly questionable.”
“Says the bastard who is only here because his fucking father couldn’t be bothered to use protection.”
Adam squares up to me, and I shake my head and laugh softly. “To be honest, it used to hurt me knowing I’m a mistake; a dirty secret that was only allowed to survive as a punishment to the woman who couldn’t keep her legs crossed.”
Dad sinks back in his seat and puts his head in his hands as I say blankly, “I know where I come from. I know why you all hate me and you know what, I gave up giving a shit about that years ago. The only reason I come here at all is out of duty. Once a month to show my face for appearances’ sake. Well, have a nice life asshole because I have no reason to come here anymore.”
I stand and look at my father, not by blood but by fortune, and say softly, “You are always welcome in my life, dad. You may not be my blood, but you have proven that means shit, anyway. I have no reason to hang around either, so enjoy your new life. You certainly deserve it and I can recommend a shit hot lawyer who will stop the bitch from getting most of what you own. Oh, and, Adam…”
I turn and sneer, “Maybe this will make you grow up and realize that life isn’t all dollar bills and privilege. Shit happens and I’m guessing you will discover that the hard way one day, but I won’t be around to watch. I’m done with you all and that feels fucking unbelievable.”
“Enjoy fucking trailer trash, Hunter, it’s good to know you found your soulmate.”
Just thinking of soft sweet Lexi and her humble beginnings makes me want to waste this asshole. Instead, I just shrug. “I will always be richer than you, Adam, in every fucking way, so run along and rot in hell.”
Without another look, I head out of the door and leave my past baggage behind me. To be honest, I’m happy for my dad, he has a second chance at happiness. Mom, well, she’ll never be content, and that makes me way happier than I ever thought it would.
* * *
I head backto find Lexi looking so uncomfortable it makes the anger flare up inside me again. Bea and Willard are sitting at opposite ends of the room and mom is throwing Lexi disapproving stares. As soon as I enter, Lexi jumps up and looks relieved. “Hey, that was quick.”