Page 29 of Marry a King (Five Kings 5)
The queen is a very astute woman. She can tell something is up and I don’t miss the anxious glances she throws in my direction and the sadness in her eyes. I’m sure she’s disappointed because I must look as if I’m facing a firing squad, not my wedding day.
We sit around in her perfect library surrounded by ancient books and paintings by masters and as the fire dances in the grate, I should be feeling my best. After the amazing meal we were served and the fine wine and now comforting atmosphere, I should have a permanent smile on my face but how can I be happy when Eloise is breaking before my eyes and knowing who may be responsible for that is conflicting me in a surprising way? I don’t want it to be him; I thought he was better than this. I trusted his word and yet if he disregarded that and has a different plan set in place, how can I go through with this?
As my friends huddle on the couch, the queen heads toward me and says softly, “You know, sometimes it’s good to talk. Maybe I can help?”
The kindness in her eyes undoes me a little and I say sadly, “Has anyone ever let you down, your majesty, said one thing and then done something completely different?”
She looks thoughtful. “I’m sorry to say many times, my darling, and please call me Elizabeth. Your majesty is so formal and I think we’re past that.”
She smiles and I wish I could unburden myself to her, but she’s still the queen, still part of this family and her loyalty lies with them.
Sighing, I stare at the fire and say sadly, “I want to believe him, but how can I when something has happened that is the opposite to what he promised me.”
Reaching for my hand, she grasps it tightly and whispers, “I expect you’re referring to Maxim and whatever he’s done would be for a very good reason. One thing you should know, my dear, is that he’s an honorable man who works in a mysterious way. Like his father, they often do, or did in Rex’s case, things that test the sanity of the sanest person in the world, but when the dust settles, it reveals they were right all along. Whatever’s happened, my darling, know it was done for the greater good and while that may not seem obvious right now, it will over time.”
“But what if it’s not? What if he’s not the man I thought he was?”
“Then I would be surprised and as the person who knows him most in the world, I can confidently say it will never happen.”
She smiles so warmly it settles me a little and I decide that maybe in this case, fate has dealt a wild card and Eloise’s professor may not have been the man she thought he was. That we all thought he was and sometimes coincidences strike when they do their most damage.
After enjoying a relative moment of calm, Elizabeth stands and says warmly, “Thank you girls for an entertaining evening, but I should retire. Tomorrow will be a long day and I suggest you do the same. The guards will escort you to your rooms. Try to get some rest, you will need every ounce of it.”
As we curtsey and watch her leave, as soon as the door closes behind her, we all fall onto the couch with a collective groan.
“Thank god that’s over, it was unbearable trying to be on my best behavior.” Natalia sighs and kicks off her shoes and, tucking her legs underneath her, reaches for the decanter of brandy.
“Pour me one, babe, I need something to take the edge off this evening.” Lauren does the same and I look at Eloise with concern, who is looking miserably at the fire.
“Are you ok, honey?”
I rub her back and she sighs. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I can’t stop thinking about Freddy. It was awful imagining him with someone else and I feel like a fool for ever believing his lies.”
Lauren nods. “I’m the same. I was imagining how I would kill him in a slow painful death throughout that whole meal, despite the fact I was seriously attracted to that friend of Maxim’s.”
“Which one?” I stare at her in surprise because this is unexpected. Lauren isn’t one to fancy anyone, except her career, and she grins. “Baron. Wow, that man is something else. Edgy, cool and a wicked sense of humor. I wouldn’t mind a moment with him in a dark alley.”
Natalia laughs out loud. “Says the career woman who was sworn off men for life. One moment in the company of a real man and her principles disappear into a cloud of lust driven smoke. Mind you, I wouldn’t say no to Duke. Who knew he was hiding in this book of fairy tales? Mind you, the moment he opened his mouth, I was over him already. Cocky, dismissive and a total bastard. Trust me, I could tell.”
“That’s a little presumptuous, he could be a really nice guy.” I grin as Natalia yawns and shakes her head.
“No, he’s not. He looked angry for most of the meal and made little conversation. Every time I caught his eye, he looked away in disgust. I’m telling you, that man has serious issues and obviously needs a shrink rather than a woman in his life—sad really when he’s got that whole bad boy vibe going on that I appear to lust over.”
“What the fuck?!”
Lauren shouts out angrily and we jump as we see the blood drain from her face as she stares at us in disbelief.
“What is it?” Natalia sounds fearful and we share an anxious look as our usually strong friend crumbles before our eyes. Her own are laden with tears that tell us something is definitely wrong because she never cries—ever.
“It’s over.”
“What is?” I feel confused, and she says in a broken voice, “I’ve just had an email from the studios. They have withdrawn my place with no explanation, just that I am no longer considered suitable for the post.”
I almost stagger under the realization this is no coincidence and look at Lauren and then Eloise with the sound of my own destiny crashing and burning behind me.
He did this. He trapped me and is now trapping my friends too. But why? I agreed to what he wanted. He promised me. It was our deal.
We crowd around Lauren and as I read the email, my heart quickens unbearably. It’s as if I did this. I made this happen because of what I agreed to. Why did we ever come back? None of us should have attended that god-damned ball, and this is what happened—because of me.
Fearing for Natalia I can almost guess a similar email will be heading her way and thinking of the three men they were placed beside at dinner, it all becomes clear. They are being set up to complete the puzzle. Maxim denied his friends the chance to unmask a wife at the ball because he already knew their future.
Suddenly, a huge surge of anger crashes through my whole body. I am angrier than I have ever been in my life and know I must stop this train and jump off fast. It may destroy me, but I will be true to myself and my friends because I will not allow me, or them, to be manipulated in this way.
Standing, I fix my friends with an angry look and note the surprise in their eyes.
“I’ll be right back. If I’m not, go to bed without me. I’ve got something important to do and if I can promise you one thing it’s to deliver all of our futures, just the way we planned them.”