Page 3 of Throne of Wolves
“You can say that again.” Xander grunted, and all of us smiled for a moment.
The bathroom door opened and Monique walked out in a cloud of steam, fresh as a spring rose. “Good morning everyone.”
“Morning, beautiful,” I said, kissing her quickly on the lips. “Mind if I take the next shower?”
When no-one objected, I went into the bathroom and had the quickest wash ever. I hurried back into the bedroom naked and clean, and happily grabbed some of the new clothes Michael had magicked up for us and pulled them on.
Damn, that feels better.
Michael was already poised for the next shower and walked toward the bathroom.
I took a deep breath in through my nose and laughed. “God, this rooms needs an airing out.”
Monique’s cheeks colored a delicate pink.
Xander barked out a laugh. “What do you expect?”
Michael continued into the bathroom, and I went to the window and pushed it open.
“That’s better.” I breathed deeply, taking in a lungful of fresh air all the way to the bottom of my lungs.
As I exhaled, I noticed a man standing outside the house. He was staring at the house, which normally wouldn’t be strange... except that Michael had placed a ward on this cottage and no one passing by should have been able to sense it at all.
I narrowed my eyes, studying the stranger. “Hey, who’s that?” I said to the room at large.
Monique waltzed over to stand beside me, pressing into my side as she peered out. “I don’t know. I don’t recognize him. But he doesn’t look totally human, does he?”
She was right. There was something about the way he moved when he shifted his weight back and forth from one foot to the other, and something about the intent way he stared at the house that made me think he was a shifter, or another magical being. Definitely not human.
“He’s not from your town?” I asked her. “Another warlock?”
She shook her head, looking more closely. “No. I don’t think so.”
He was definitely staring at the house, but according to Michael, no-one should be able to see us. I was in the ‘better safe than sorry’ camp, so I pulled the curtain across the window and tugged Monique away from the opening.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the local shifters were on the lookout for anything suspicious. Not to mention, my concerns that the high warlock could have sent out scouts to search for us, too.
My stomach grumbled and I grabbed Monique’s hand. “Forget him, for now.” I didn’t want her to worry, but I would keep an eye out for the rest of the day. “Let’s get some breakfast started.”
Michael finished with the shower and dressed, then Xander headed to the bathroom.
We wandered into the kitchen and I went straight to the fridge to look for some food. There was bacon, and eggs, and all the things we needed for a fry up.
“I’m cooking.” I threw the words over my shoulder while I piled all the food on the kitchen bench and went in search of frying pans.
Monique came around the countertop to get some toast started, and by the time Xander and Michael came out to sit with us, everything was ready.
“Thanks for doing the cooking,” Michael said, reaching for the plate of bacon. “My magic is slowly rebuilding, but food really helps quicken that process.”
“Food helps with everything,” I said, grabbing some of the hash browns onto my plate.
He shrugged. “True.”
We ate breakfast quickly, a sign we were all famished from the strenuous activities of the night before.
When we were done, Michael cleaned up, and Xander pulled Monique onto his lap on the couch.
“So, what’s the plan today?” she asked, laying her head against Xander’s chest.