Page 52 of Throne of Wolves
More screaming ensued and I ran for Kyle and Xander who lay limp on the ground. I pulled up a magical shield and extended it into a bubble over the top of us, protecting both of them and me.
“Monique.” Kyle coughed, letting his wolf shifter slide away and his naked human self come back into being. “Go. Run.”
I wasn’t going anywhere.
I stood up and turned around, facing our enemy. The high witch sat in a chair watching the show like it was fireworks display on the fourth of July.
I opened my fingers and thrust my arms out on either side of my body, shoring up the shield behind me to make sure my mates stayed protected.
The high warlock and Michael fought warlock-to-warlock. They threw spell against spell at each other. Neither of them seemed to see me.
I took advantage of that fact, raising my arms to ready a spell, while remembering to keep the shield strong and solid behind me.
The high warlock was never going to hurt my men ever again.
And then, even as my fingers curled ready to hurl the spell, the tide began to turn. Michael began to lose, falling to his knees as his father landed hit after hit.
He groaned as a particularly nasty-looking lightning flash seemed to hit him in the torso. He clutched his hands over his chest.
“No...” The whisper didn’t come from me. Or Michael.
A spell suddenly shot from the high witch’s hand, arcing over the top of Michael’s head to smack the high warlock in the face.
It did nothing but anger him. He roared at his wife, who flinched back in her seat against his sudden wrath.
But she’d given me an opening, and Michael a chance to catch his breath and rally.
“Michael!” I called out to him. “Together.”
He jumped back up to his feet, just as I threw everything I had at the high warlock, letting go of my shield and pushing all my hatred directly at him. All my love for my men. My need to protect my baby.
His arms fell to his sides and he struggled violently, but somehow my magic held him captive, unable to move. But I couldn’t hold him for long. He was already beginning to fight back. I needed my man’s help.
Michael threw his arms forward and cried out as a surge of his magic curled around his father. It looked like a mighty tiger on the attack, giant teeth sinking into the high warlock’s neck, his face and his flesh.
I gave one final, massive shove of magic toward them, and then fell to my knees in the dirt.
Michael gave an almighty roar full of victory, and pain, and grief, as the high warlock suddenly crumbled into a pile of ash and bone on the porch.
I sobbed, unable to contain the myriad of emotions churning through my body.
Xander and Kyle were upon me, strong arms holding me close. The darkness was coming. I couldn’t fight it. My body was drained, and for the first time in my life, I passed out.