Page 16 of Tainted Beginnings (Dark Syndicate 7)
“Yeah. If you’re in L.A., let me know.”
“I will, and if you’re in North Carolina, let me know. I make the best cookies.”
He laughs, revealing his pearly white teeth.
“Goddess, if I’m in North Carolina, I’m getting more than cookies from you.”
“That works, too.”
He leans forward and kisses me, and it feels like a kiss goodbye. As in forever.
Despite what we just said, I don’t think I’m ever going to see him again, so it’s time to step away from the fantasy, and the man, and get back to my life.
“Goodbye, Nick.”
“Goodbye, sweet Tennessee.”
I walk away and look back once over my shoulder before I head through the revolving doors.
He’s still there and didn’t walk off like I thought he would.
One quick wave, and I step outside into the crisp night air.
There are taxis already waiting outside, so I just jump into the first one and call Georgia as I pull away from the Marchesi.
She screams when she answers the phone, and the taxi driver glances back at me.
“Oh, my gosh, you need to tell me everything!” she screeches.
“Are you home?” I ask, distracting from the question.
“Yes, woman, I’m home, and I’m fine. I want to hear about you, though. Tell me Nick was amazing.”
“He was amazing.” He was amazing, yet here I am, driving away from him.
“What did you do? Did he take you out?”
“Um… no. We just stayed in.”
She screams again, and this could be fifteen years ago when we were sixteen and in high school.
“Tennessee, you slut. Please tell me you enjoyed every inch of that man.”
“I did.”
“What’s next?”
“Nothing,” I answer a little too quickly. “Nothing’s next. It was a good weekend, and I feel better.”
She’s quiet for a few seconds; then I hear her sigh.
“Alright, cousin. I’ll see you in a little while. The girls are going to head up here for your birthday. They said to call them when you can.”
“I will.” I miss them already. It’s been years since we’ve been without each other, but it’s time for a change. “Speak to you later.”
“Be safe.”
We hang up, and I place my phone back in my back pocket. I gaze out the window and slip back into the shoes of the uncertain woman I was days ago.