Page 36 of Whispers Of Horses
I gave her a weak smile. “Hey sexy. I need your help with something…and you’re not going to like it.”
Sam surprised me when she seemed to actually perk up a bit. “I never like your ideas, but if it’ll get my mind off this serious problem I’ve got, then I’m game.”
My lips twitched in a mischievous grin. “It’ll be dangerous…for me. I’m gonna keep you far outta the trouble.”
Sam chuckled. “Callie, none of your hair-brained ideas are ever safe, or sane, or well thought out.”
My grin widened. “So, you’ll help me?”
Samantha opened her door wider in invitation, and I stepped inside. She turned to face me once her door was firmly closed, and her expression became dark and serious. “This is about that black horse, isn’t it?”
I swallowed. “How’d you know?”
Running a hand through her dark blonde hair, Samantha sighed wearily. “I heard Cody and your Pa last night arguing about him. I think they’re going to have him put down. Your Pa says the horse is too dangerous.”
I nodded. “I had a feeling. He’s not though, Sam. I saw…” I met her eyes, hoping my friend would trust me, and believe in me. “I saw into his emotions. I saw things…terrible things. He was abused so badly by his previous owners, that’s why he’s become dangerous. I know I can get through to him, Sammy, but I’ve gotta have the chance, and I can’t do that here.”
Sam frowned. “What did you have in mind?”
“At first, I thought we could hide him on the back acreage, but then I realized someone would easily find him when checking fences or they could follow me. So, my second thought is to enlist the help of a…a friend.”
Samantha leaned back against her door, a coy smile crossing her pretty face. “Mathis? Is that who you’re talking about?”
I nodded, moving my gaze around the room.
Samantha tsk’d me. “Oh, Callie, baby, you fucked him again, didn’t you sweetie? What were you thinking girl? Do you want to get your heart broken?”
I released a long breath. “Yeah yeah, I know, I know. It wasn’t planned, it just happened. It just…it’s like we can’t even be together for more than a minute without being caught in this…this…”
Samantha finished my sentence for me. “It’s just that every time you are together your caught up in this vortex of wild animal desire?”
I laughed. “Is that how it was for you?” I assumed it must have been for her to let her guard down and get pregnant.
She surprised me with her response. “No, actually, it wasn’t. I liked him, and the sex was good, but no, it wasn’t like that. I knew Mathis was trouble the first time I saw him watching you. He had this look in his eyes, like he wanted to possess you.”
I shook my head. “Wowowo, no that’s not… we aren’t going there. Anyway, my trucks broke down, so there’s only one way to do this. Everyone’s going to leave for church in a few minutes, and you and I are staying behind. This is the only chance we’re gonna get, so I need you to use every ounce of morning sickness you can to our advantage.”
Just then, Samantha’s cheeks began turning a shade of green which made me want to puke. She ran to the toilet and tossed her cookies. I gagged, wrinkling my nose. “Uhg I’m so glad I’m not preggers.”
My mom’s voice drifted through the door followed by a knock. “Girls, are you ready to go?”
I cracked the door open, the sound of Samantha throwing up drifting from her bathroom. My mom grimaced. “Sam’s having a really bad morning ma, I don’t think she’ll make service today.”
My mom smiled kindly. “Poor girl. She’s got a bad case of the morning sickness. Worse than I ever had. You’d better stay here with her Callie.”
I nodded solemnly. I couldn’t believe things were playing out exactly as I’d hoped. As soon as I closed the door, I yanked out my cell to call Mathis, and my stomach dropped. I moved forward, partly to check on Sam, but mostly to stall.
“Call him, dammit!” Samantha yelled from the bathroom.
Sucking in a breath, I hit the call button and waited. He answered on the first ring, which startled me. “Hello, Callie?”
Okay… “Hey Mathis, I um…I need a favor…”
Exactly half an hour after everyone left the ranch except for Samantha and I, we watched as Mathis’s truck and trailer came down the drive way. Samantha shook her head at me. “I don’t know how you’re going to pull this off, or what he’s going to say when he sees that horse.”
I shushed her. “Sam, I promise, I’ve got it covered. We just got to keep him distracted while I get the horse into the trailer.”
All of it was easier said than done. From the moment he stepped his jean-clad, booted foot from his truck, my whole perspective seemed to shift. There was a second of awkwardness as he and I stared at one another, followed by an even more awkward hello to me and Samantha. I couldn’t seem to peel my eyes off of his chiseled face, and his golden gaze seemed plastered to mine as well.