Page 17 of North Bound Nights
"Are you strong enough to do this?"
"Yes. I can handle it, Mr. North," I say because I think I can. Even if I can't, I won't stop. My body will give up long before my mind.
"Okay," he proceeds to fill the glass flutes with another inch of champagne. As the trays nearly topple, I regret opening my mouth.
Mr. North smiles wide. He knows what he's doing. He returns to his seat, and this asshat pulls out his phone and makes a call while I'm standing here, butt ass naked, holding these trays of champagne-filled glasses, my legs spread eagle. My desire for Mr. North momentarily takes a plummet south.
I can't help but eavesdrop on his conversation.
"I'm testing a new girl right now. She is a little redhead. Yes, I know you don't like gingers. Well, the other one wasn't available. So this is what I got. Are you sure? I'm sorry to disappoint you, Theodore. This situation is just how it worked out this time. Reminiscent of the last shit you pulled with Nellie, huh?” He laughs loudly, genuinely laughing like he is talking to a best friend.
“You bet your Scots ass I’m bringing it back up for the hundredth time. You fucked me out of not one or two but three good employees with that bullshit stunt. I'll try and get the other one soon. Of course, we are good. No. I’m not mad. I was pissed off, but I can’t stay mad at you when we’re both at fault. You just started it. Alright. Oh, she is here? Interesting. Yes. She applied, and I granted her the position. You were right. She is smart and attractive. Surprisingly she was smarter than the rest. I think she will fill the void I’ve been experiencing."
Another laugh.
“Mmm. Yes. I know you called dibs. I’m unsure how or why you’re so infatuated with Ms. Charlotte. Well, I’ve got some things in the air now that need my attention. See you soon, brother.”
The glasses give the slightest rattle as my arms are physically shaking, and I no longer stand as gracefully as five minutes ago. I try to control my breathing, but it's getting harder.
“You heard my conversation. I take it?”
“Yes. It was hard not to, Mr. North.”
He nods. “You know we were speaking of Charlotte then?”
He continues, “My friend has laid claim to her. But, as she has been his employee for nearly four years, he technically already has dibs on her. And, unfortunately, I feel you don’t want to share her.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. North,” I lie.
A smile tugs at his lips, “Not only is my friend going to have his fun with Charlotte, but I intend to as well. So I thought you’d enjoy that bit of knowledge.”
My heart turns to ice and drops into my stomach.
“Don’t think I’m naïve enough to believe she isn’t in the restaurant tonight. You’re her charity case for the evening, aren’t you, Ella? She is always taking care of you. And you eat it up, every last bite. You have an infatuation with the lovely Charlotte, don’t you?”
My nose tickles as the salty brine of the ocean air stirs the curtains at the balcony doors. Night has finally arrived. The birds no longer sing their songs for scraps.
I shake my head. “No. Sir.”
“Let us be honest when we’re together? Why haven’t you let her know your true intentions? Are you embarrassed? Or is it fear?”
“I’m not ready.” My hands tremble as my pulse hammers throughout my body.
Mr. North looks at me quizzically, “One more personal question. It pertains to my business if I decide to allow your admission into the manor. Do you strictly only like women? Or do you prefer both sexes?”
His face holds no judgment, no condemnation, and he isn’t mocking me for once.
I cast my eyes to the floor before returning them to his blue gaze, “I enjoy both.”
“Exceptional. We can get back to business. If you’re still interested?” Mr. North asks.
“Yes, Sir.”
Mr. North eyes me; a smile quirks one side of his mouth as he does. “I might grow to like you, after all, Ella.”
Chapter 14
My heart hammers away, sputtering its erratic love beat that feels as if it were designed only for Mr. North. No man has ever made me feel this way. No one has ever accepted me the way I am so quickly, except for my best friend. He didn’t treat me like a freak or make me feel like I should be ashamed. My brain strains to keep up with the thoughts rushing through my head.