Page 35 of The Club Betrayal
Jamie Boy saunters over to them.
“Your son is a grass. You, more than anyone, knows how grasses are dealt with.”
“He hasn’t shared anything.”
“And you expect us to believe that?” I bark. “Besides, because of your son, an innocent girl was taken by Bert Collins and returned with life-changing injuries.”
The woman’s face pales. “What kind of injuries?”
Looking down to her gloved hands, I smirk. “Injuries you yourself know all too well.”
She pales and looks to her retired fed. For a beat, they remind me of Alannah and I. They don’t speak a word, they simply stare at one another, sharing a silent conversation. He shakes his head at her, but she turns to me and says, “Why are you so sure he’s leaked information on your club?”
“We’ve had a fed sniffing around for the last few weeks, asking questions about shit he shouldn’t even know about, so don’t tell me he hasn’t brought a fed to town.”
“But there hasn’t been anyone sanctioned to look into your club,” the guy repeats, again sounding so fucking genuine, I almost believe him.
The woman runs her hands through her hair and sighs. “We’re not getting anywhere here. Tell us what we need to do, and we’ll do it.”
“I’ll need to speak with my brothers before going further.”
“Then I suggest you don’t take too long.”
She’s strong-willed, I’ll give her that.
“Tell me, how far are you willing to go to save your boy?”
“I’d burn the whole damn world down for him.”
The fed steps up beside her. “You don’t have long. We’ll wait outside.”
Jerking my chin, I nod for Mitch to follow them out, and turn to Jamie Boy.
“I told you today wasn’t a good day. Is there a reason you still decided to show up?”
Wiping imaginary lint off his jacket sleeve, he shrugs. “We told you we stand by our partners. Our deal is too lucrative to let anything happen to it.”
I’m glad he’s still thinking of the future, because I can’t see past today.
“What exactly is your problem?” Austin asks, stepping forward.
“Currently, we have a brother in the hands of someone who thinks he killed his son, anotherbrotherwho’s a fucking rat, and the possibility of the feds showing up.”
“Sounds like run-of-the-mill, day-to-day problems to me,” he scoffs, as if it’s nothing.
Everyone looks to him, eyes wide. I want to slap the shit out of him.
“Maybe where you’re from, but here, in my club, shit doesn’t go down like that. We stay quiet, and stay off of anyone’s radar.”
Jamie Boy moves closer to his brother’s side, while my brothers remain quiet, letting me handle this.
“What my brother means to say is, these problems are easily handled.”
“We have a retired fed out there wanting something valuable from us, something we don’t want to give up, and something they’ll rain havoc over us to get, but we still have the upper hand.”
Pope rubs his chin thoughtfully. “What are you thinking, Cas?”
“We’re going to use the fed to get Dex back, then make them and their rat son disappear. Do we need a vote?”