Page 68 of The Club Betrayal
“You want me to make sure little Jackson keeps his distance from you?” I say, signing simultaneously.
Shaking her head, she nibbles at her food, and I sigh. Regardless, I think I’ll be a having a little chat with Cas’s youngest after Victoria leaves. Someone in the bar turns the music up, and JJ and Harper’s laughter fills the air on their return to the cookout.
This is what the club is about: good times, shared with people you trust, people you call family.
“Hey, Grumps, you got something to eat?” Mason calls over. Sticking up my thumb, I tell him I’m good.
Nodding, he proceeds to swoop Penelope away from Myles and up onto his shoulders. Keeping hold of her tiny hands, he heads over, and I smile up at the girl.
“You feeling okay, old man? You look tired.”
“Old man? The fuck you talking about,” I grunt.
I am old.
Most days, I could do with an afternoon fucking nap, but family or not, I’ll never admit it to these fuckers. As long as I can still ride my bike, I’m good to go, and no one can stop me.
Mason’s laugh catches the attention of Aspen, who soon joins us. Before I know it, my table is filled with my family, and I feel Sally’s absence even more.
Every brother shoots their attention to the prospect at the gate. Seconds later, police sirens can be heard, growing louder as they get closer.
“Looks like the entire sheriff’s department are heading straight for us.”
The club is on their feet, drawing their guns.
“Has anyone done anything that would warrant the whole department hammering down on us? Talk now, so we know what to expect!” Cas hollers, gingerly rising from his chair.
Brothers shake their heads in a sea ofnos. The first cop car doesn’t come to a stop like you’d expect. Instead, it crashes through the gates and screeches to a stop, quickly surrounded by the rest moments later. Once the cars have stopped, as one, they spring out of their cruisers, their weapons drawn and trained on us.
The town’s new sheriff takes his time dragging his ass from the car while adjusting his belt under his overhanging belly.
“Put your guns down, or I’ll be forced to instruct my men to shoot. I see a lot of women and children who could get hurt.”
This is the second time in the club’s history we’ve had the police rock up like this in full force. The last time was because they thought Sparky had killed Bonnie. A mistake that was quickly fixed when she showed up unharmed, and clearly alive.
“Last warning, Cas. Order them to lay down their guns, or we will open fire on everyone here.”
I look over to Cas, who looks at Alannah, and then around at the old ladies, the babies, and all the kids.
He has no choice, and I don’t blame him when he holds up his hand, signalling for everyone to give up their weapons.
When the cops don’t move, I inhale deeply. Having so many guns aimed at us, I need to keep calm and not let my instincts to take them down before they can get to us override my head.
“You must have good reason to show up like this?” Cas hollers, holding his side.
The sheriff steps forward, scuffing his boots through the dirt, feigning that he’s not sweating being here.
“I’ll be asking the questions, and now,”—he scans over us brothers—“anyone wearing a cut will lie facedown on the ground.”
Not one brother moves. When the sheriff glances over his shoulder, his men advance forward in formation.
Holding his hand up, they stop.
“Last chance. Lie facedown, or we will shoot.”