Page 7 of The Club Betrayal
Myles laughs. “Would you even know what to do on a date?”
“Fuck you. Not all women fall on their backs,” I snap back, causing them to howl with laughter.
“We’ve got ourselves a romantic, brothers,” Sparky heckles, lighting a smoke.
I’m hardly a romantic. These guys are used to the women who hang around the clubhouse, seeking them out for a fuck. They wouldn’t know a woman with self-respect if they were slapped by one.
Leaving them to their laughter, I head up to my room and lock myself inside. Using the crowbar, I inch up the floorboard, retrieve the burner phone, and punch in my father’s number.
Just as I knew he would, he answers quickly. “You’re lucky you called. I was just looking at flights.”
“Don’t do that. I’ve got everything under control.”
His snort fills the line. “Yeah, you’re a real mastermind, son. Come home.”
I grip the phone in my fist.
“I can’t. I’ve got to see this through to the end.”
“And what is your end goal? You’re playing with your life, and for what?”
For what?I’m doing this for my him, my mom, and everything they’ve been put through for trying to do the right thing. I’m doing this for all the innocent people caught up in the club’s destruction.
He should understand that; I don’t feel the need to explain myself.
“I’m safe. I’ll call again soon.”
Hanging up, I put everything back in place, lock up on my way out, and head back down to the bar. Using my phone as a ploy to stand near the table Cas and Sparky are sitting at, heads bent together, voices quiet, I pretend to be typing out a message as I listen.
“Have you noticed anyone acting differently since Bert dropped the rat bomb under our noses?” Cas asks him.
“No, but if there is a rat amongst us, he’s not going to make himself known, is he?”
Cas clenches his fists in frustration. “Has anyone left without making it known?”
“No. I’ve got the prospect informing me on who leaves and when they return.”
I knew they wouldn’t let this go. Everything I’ve collected so far on the Lost Souls has been without proof. At this point, it’s all been heresy, which isn’t enough. So, I’ll keep my head down, and act the way I usually do while I get the proof I need to bring these assholes down.
* * *
It’s nearly nine, and Holly is a no-show. A part of me is glad, though, as she doesn’t fit in around here, but I was looking forward to the distraction she could provide.
“Where’s your date?” JJ inquires.
“She isn’t my date.”
“Yeah, ’cause she turned you down.”
All the grief these men go through, they’re still able to sit around and joke like they don’t have a care in the world. It irritates the shit out of me, but I keep the disgust to myself.
“Maybe she changed her mind ’cause you’re a pussy who dates.”
Just then, Bonnie walks in.
“Hey, Bonnie. What do you think of guys who ask women out on dates? You think they’re pussies?”
“I’m flattered, but you know I’m married to your VP, yeah?”