Page 71 of The Club Betrayal
Draping my cut over the edge of the bathtub, I lift my shirt and look over my wound. It’s hasn’t opened, so I drop my shirt and turn on the faucet. Splashing cold water over my face, I stand and see Alannah entering the bathroom through the reflection in the mirror.
“How are you feeling?” she asks, picking up my cut.
Grabbing a towel, I dry my face and dump it onto the counter. Shoving my cut at me, she proceeds to straighten the towel and hang it on the holder.
“It doesn’t hurt to put things back how you find them, you know.”
Grinning, I shrug into my cut. “I gotta keep you busy somehow,” I goad, knowing I’m going to piss her off.
“You know exactly how I like you to keep me busy, but you’re ignoring my question. How are you feeling? That sheriff is an asshole. You shouldn’t have been down on the ground after just recently having major surgery.”
I’m aware of what I’ve been through, but like fuck am I going to let anyone outside the club see weakness from me.
Pulling her against me, I wrap my arms around her, resting my cheek on the top of her head.
“I’m good, babe. Believe me.”
Her chest deflates against mine, her sigh telling me so much more than her words.
“Pope did what he did for a reason. I don’t have a fucking clue what it is yet, but I trust him.”
“And I trust you.”
Leaning her head back, she kisses me. The feel of her lips on mine never gets old, and I’m just as hungry for her touch as I was the first time I kissed her.
“I love you,” I tell her, yet saying the words still isn’t enough to express how I feel about her.
She smiles. “I know you do.” Taking a shaky breath, she looks away from me.
Taking hold of her chin, I turn her head back. “What’s on your mind?”
“This business with the agent is going to change everything. I don’t know what to prepare for.”
Her worries are warranted. I’m not sure what exactly to prepare for, either. I’m just planning for the worst, and anything else can be dealt with. It’s lasted me well all these years, and I see no point in changing my ways now.
“Let’s go downstairs. We need to deal with Pope first, and everything else can wait.”
Reaching out and opening the door, I wait for her to leave first, staying close as we head down the stairs. When she stops abruptly on the doorstep, I follow her line of sight and see Leo sitting with Holly and Rayna, who’s laughing her little head off between them.
“What’s going on there?”
“He put a claim on her, and now she’s helping him out with Rayna.”
“He did what? Why haven’t I heard about this until now?” she shrieks.
I haven’t got the energy for an Alannah shitstorm right now.
“You’re going to leave it alone, babe. He made the decision, and I want to see how it plays out. He’ll wear my patch one day, so he’s got to start making the right choices.”
“She’s holding our granddaughter,” she argues back.
“I didn’t say not to watch her,” I point out.
She snarls at me.
The poor girl doesn’t have a clue how fierce my old lady can be when it comes to family. She puts one foot wrong, I won’t have to deal with it. My wife will fuck her up.
“I don’t need any more grief today, babe. Leo made his call for a reason. Let him do his thing.”